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Entreprenuer, Supply Chain & Logistics Consultant
Supply Chain and Logistics Management executive and Business Consultant with 40 years of international business experience at several world class manufacturing, technology and logistics companies. Executive level experience includes Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Business ...more

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Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

First of all, our constitutional rights are protected in both good times and bad times. Neither city mayors, nor state governors, nor the President of the United States, have the right to force businesses to close or to force citizens to stay at home. Personal rights can only be restricted through legislation and that means an amendment to the constitution, which will never happen. We're finally seeing some politicians, lawyers, judges, business executives and other individuals with a public voice speak up about the violation of citizens rights. Eventually, this will get to the SCOTUS where they will declare the actions of these lunatic politicians as unconstitutional. Look at the numbers! I highly recommend visiting a new website dedicated to showing the insanity of how most politicians and most Americans are looking at the Coronavirus. www.thecoronainsanity.com

Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

You keeping your mother in isolation is a personal/family choice. That's totally different from the government stripping us of our civil rights, our ability to earn an income, forcing businesses to close. This is all unconstitutional!

Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

Yes, I am against mandatory vaccines. I understand that children whose parents wish them to attend public school must be vaccinated. Thank God that we can still homeschool our children in America, unlike just about every other country in the world. One of the few things we should, as Americans, pay taxes for, is a military, to "defend" our nation. Unfortunately, I can't remember us ever having a president who didn't keep us out of, or pull us out of, the insane wars we perpetually fight. We are constantly at war in various places around the world and what has it gotten us? How many trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives have we wasted in the Middle East? Is the Middle East any less screwed up today than it was 30 years ago, before our president entrenched us in this never-ending nightmare with each president since Bush has keeping wasting money and lives? I served my country as a US Army Infantry Officer. But that doesn't mean that I agree with the insane wars we have fought since WWII. I'm all for going in and destroying those who attack us or threaten us. But, there's nothing positive to be gained by staying engaged in an unwinnable war, indefinitely. There has and never will be peace in the Middle East. Never!!! So, don't tell me about the "defensive" capability of our military. We fight more "offensive" wars around the world than any country in history. About paying taxes for our legal system. Our legal system is dysfunctional! Mostly because of the judges who love to legislate from the bench, rather than judge a case presented before them based on the laws written by legislatures. There are few things that probably shouldn't be privatized, but our legal system, other than the Supreme Court, isn't one of them. The other being our police forces; local, state and federal. I've traveled around the world many times. I've flown over 3 million miles as an adult. I was a military brat and lived in Japan and Italy, in addition to both the east and west coasts of the USA, on Naval bases. I've also lived in Germany several times, for about 10 years off on on, Russia for about 5 years, Ukraine (a totally corrupt country, from the lowest bureaucrat to the top of the federal government and another place we throw hundreds of billions of dollars at), and now I'm living in Spain during this global crisis, caused by insane government officials, not the Coronavirus itself. The freedoms stripped form not just Americans, but from citizens of almost every other country in the world, combined with what is turning into the worst economic collapse in history, is 100% the responsibility of government officials who've all made the same totally insane decision to quarantine entire cities, states and countries (as has been done here in Spain and most of the EU). If you look at the numbers you can easily see how foolish they've been. Someday, hopefully soon, the citizens will hold their politicians accountable for this unmitigated disaster. You can see a snapshot of the numbers at the following link. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss our differences. https://www.thecoronainsanity.com/

Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

I'd prefer that people who think that they know what's ideal for others, to keep their ideas to themselves. It's unfortunate that none of the mayors or governors, who have shut down businesses and forced the citizens of those cities and states, have been taken to court, yet. It will become clear, when someone finally gets a judge to hear their case, that these actions are unconstitutional. Abuse of power was the root cause of the revolutionary war. You should read the article at the link below. It explains the unconstitutionality of these actions.

Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

Seriously? You want to force healthy elderly people into isolation? Ever heard of civil rights? Ever read the constitution? Why do you think people can't decide for themselves how best to care for themselves? You know better? Are you a socialist, communist or fascist?

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