Supply Chain and Logistics Management executive and Business Consultant with 40 years of international business experience at several world class manufacturing, technology and logistics companies. Executive level experience includes Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Business ...
Supply Chain and Logistics Management executive and Business Consultant with 40 years of international business experience at several world class manufacturing, technology and logistics companies. Executive level experience includes Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Business Development, Director of Global Logistics, Director of Operations, Managing Director (Geschäftsführer), Director of Transportation and CEO of a Supply Chain and Logistics Consultancy.
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Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
There are good people in almost every organization, but that does not mean that the WHO or the UN are honest, uncorrupt, functional and beneficial organizations. They and many other "world" organizations are dishonest, corrupt and dysfunctional! We should not be funding any of them, especially now that our idiot politicians have added an additional $$$ 3.5 trillion dollars to our national debt.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
First of all, I'm not an "anit-vaxer". I'm an American who believes that the founding fathers got it right when they wrote the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution, protecting the individual freedoms of all Americans. So, answer this, if there were or are no injuries or deaths caused by vaccines, why do you think that The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on November 14, 1986? NCVIA's purpose was to eliminate the financial liability to vaccine manufacturers, due to "vaccine injury" claims, in order to ensure a stable market supply of vaccines, and to "provide cost-effective arbitration" for vaccine injury claims. Under the NCVIA, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was created to provide a federal no-fault system for compensating vaccine-related injuries or death by establishing a claim procedure involving the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters. Why write and sign into law the protection of vaccine manufacturers if there is no risk of injury or death from their vaccines? Also, once again, the government was flawed in their thinking, as they almost always are. One of the unintended results was for the vaccine manufacturers, who were no longer at risk, to lose focus on the safety of their vaccines, due to the fact that there was no incentive for vaccine manufacturers to test vaccines as rigorously as other medical drugs. There is now an effort to repeal this insane and costly law. see here:
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Here is my source. "According to the Nordic Council of Ministers, the most-populated cities in the Nordic region are as follows: Stockholm, Sweden: 2,269,060. Copenhagen, Denmark: 1,295,686. Oslo, Norway: 1,281,127."
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Honestly, I've not made up an statistics, stories or other BS. Everything I've stated as a fact has a reliable source, except of course my opinions. Unfortunately, multiple "reliable" sources are continuously contradicted by other "reliable" sources and I don't have the time to post every source, but if anyone wants a source on any particular thing I've said, I'll be happy to post it. The bottomline is, the Coronavirus is probably going to kill fewer people globally than die each year from Suicide, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Kidney Disease, Road Accidents, Liver Disease, Diabetes or Diarrhea, not to mention 7 other major causes of death. More people will probably die of the Flu than the Coronavirus. Does anyone besides me see the significance of this? And if anyone does, would you please try to explain to all those who don't.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Thanks Dan! But, as a former US Army, Airborne, Ranger, French Commando trained, Infantry Officer, I don't shy from a fight, but I try hard to remain an officer and a gentleman.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
You're another one that either didn't read or didn't understand what I wrote. Here it is again: "Stockholm has 1 million more residents than any other major city in Scandinavia. You can't get a good picture by simply looking at the Scandinavian countries alone. Look at the USA! NYC is the epicenter of Coronavirus deaths, why? Maybe because of the population density? So why do you only compare them to other Scandinavian countries? They are a part of the EU. Spain has almost 25K deaths, Italy: 28K, The UK (no longer in the EU, thank God): 27K, France 24K. Belgium and The Netherlands both have more deaths per capita than Sweden and all of those countries are locked down!" Also, as of today, Sweden has only about 2,500 deaths from the Coronavirus compared to annual average annual deaths, from all causes of 90,000. The bottomline is Sweden is open and free and has suffered fewer death per capita than 10 other major countries in Europe, all of which have strict lockdowns.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Citizens and other legal residents, versus the estimated 30 million illegal residents.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
You obviously missed the main points of my arguments. I never said that the Coronavirus is not a threat. I said that the threat of the Coronavirus is far less than all of the "expert's" predictions, every one of them! I said that local and state governments, through ignorance and stupidity have taken measures that are totally disproportionate, in comparison to the threat and as a result of their foolish actions, Americans will suffer far more than anyone is willing to admit. Regarding the flu vaccine, it's my choice. I'm not forced, nor should anyone be forced to take any vaccine. The one thing that matters the most is that the Constitution protects our freedoms. No Mayor and no Governor has the right to close businesses and force citizens to stay home. Eventually, this will get to the SCOTUS and our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms will be upheld.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Good luck trying to get a guarantee of that, when 50% of Americans are morons.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
OMG! First of all the WHO is a costly, bureaucratic, worthless organization, full of poorly trained third world "doctors"! I know about third world medicine because I've lived in and traveled to many such countries. No third world doctor can practice medicine in the USA without studying and graduating from an American Medical School first. Wonder why? Also, the WHO is in the pocket of China, a bastion of openness and honesty, NOT! And by the way, no prediction or forecast of the Coronavirus has yet been accurate!