Supply Chain and Logistics Management executive and Business Consultant with 40 years of international business experience at several world class manufacturing, technology and logistics companies. Executive level experience includes Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Business ...
Supply Chain and Logistics Management executive and Business Consultant with 40 years of international business experience at several world class manufacturing, technology and logistics companies. Executive level experience includes Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Business Development, Director of Global Logistics, Director of Operations, Managing Director (Geschäftsführer), Director of Transportation and CEO of a Supply Chain and Logistics Consultancy.
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Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
OMG! The experts were wrong from the very beginning? How can this be?
Why No Democrat Will Admit The Truth About COVID-19
There are a myriad of reasons why the press and politicians on both sides of the isle choose to distort the truth, or outright lie, like Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer and others, as many socialists/communists (SolComs) choose to do.
Some are just foolish idiots who are unable or refuse to to see the truth.
Some are obsessed with the illegitimate power they’ve seized from the American people or which has been gladly handed over to them by ignorant citizens who hope and believe that the government will take care of them, because they are unwilling or incapable of taking care of themselves.
Some were fooled by the “experts” who erroneously predicted the “end of the world”, even though they (one example being Professor Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College London) have made innumerable and insanely wrong predictions of calamity in the past, such as the disputed research that sparked the mass culling of eleven million sheep and cattle during the 2001 outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease and the prediction that up to 150,000 people could die, when in fact there were fewer than 200 deaths.... In 2002, predicted that up to 50,000 people would likely die from exposure to BSE (mad cow disease) in beef, there were in fact, in the U.K. only 177 deaths from BSE. In 2005, predicted that up to 150 million people could be killed from bird flu. In the end, only 282 people died worldwide from the disease between 2003 and 2009. In 2009, a government estimate, based on “experts” advice, said a “reasonable worst-case scenario” was that the swine flu would lead to 65,000 British deaths. In the end, swine flu killed 457 people.
Of course, sensationalism sells and the press needs to sell, so they distort the truth, when they’re not lying.
Fortunately, we are beginning to see more and more doctors, scientists and business icons (Elon Musk for example) speak out against the tyranny and the oppression of American citizens and citizens across the world.
Finally, below is a report I saw today. Why do you think the government is lying about the true numbers? Could it be that they fear the repercussions of their decisions to destroy the best economy in the history of our country, while taking our freedom from us, for no good reason?
“”A Colorado man who died of alcohol poisoning had his death classified as due to the coronavirus, possibly shedding light on a skewed virus death toll in the state, according to a report on Thursday. Sebastian Yellow, 35, was found dead by police on May 4. Montezuma County Coroner George Deavers later determined that his death was due to acute alcohol poisoning. His blood-alcohol content measured in at.55. The legal limit in the state is.08. But before Deavers signed the death certificate, Colorado health officials reportedly categorized Yellow’s death as being due to COVID-19. “They should have to be recording the same way I do. They have to go off the truth and facts and list it as such,” said Deavers, according to Denver's KCNC-TV. Back in April, health officials in Colorado classified three nursing home fatalities as COVID-19 deaths, even though attending physicians ruled they were not related to the coronavirus. While Yellow later tested positive for COVID-19, Deavers said his death had nothing to do with the coronavirus. “It wasn’t COVID, it was alcohol toxicity,” said Deavers, according to the station.”Yes, he did have COVID but that is not what took his life.” The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment released a statement to KCNC-TV on how they classify COVID-19 related deaths. "We classify a death as confirmed when there was a case who had a positive SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) laboratory test and then died. We also classify some deaths as probable," the statement said. "The gist is that there must be strong epidemiological evidence of COVID-19 such as a combination of close contact with a confirmed case and symptoms of COVID-19. We will also count a death as a COVID-19 death when there is no known positive laboratory test but the death certificate lists 'COVID-19' as a cause of death." Dr. Deborah Birx, the response coordinator for the White House coronavirus task force, said in April the federal government was classifying the deaths of patients infected with the coronavirus as COVID-19 deaths, regardless of any underlying health issues that could have contributed to the loss of someone’s life. “There are other countries that if you had a pre-existing condition, and let’s say the virus caused you to go to the ICU [intensive care unit] and then have a heart or kidney problem,” she said during a news briefing at the White House. “Some countries are recording that as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death.””
One quick note about the SolComs, I served as a US Army officer on the border of what was East and West Germany, across from the former Soviet Union, I’ve studied Socialism/Communism for years and most importantly, I’ve spent most of the past 6 years living in Russia, with some time in Ukraine as well. I’ve seen firsthand the damage that this failed ideology causes to society. It’s been 30 years since the fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet Union, and most of the former Soviet states are still reeling from the disaster of Socialism/Communism.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Thanks Texan Hunter! By the way, I'm planning on buying a new home in the Dallas Metroplex, when I return from Spain, after the summer, when house prices should be 25% - 50% lower than pre C-19 prices. Thank you politicians for saving me hundreds of thousands of dollars on my new house.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Who are the "experts"? Maybe Prof Neil Ferguson who quit as a British government adviser on coronavirus after admitting his "error of judgement", when he left his quarantine to have sex with his married mistress? Or maybe one of his many other errors of judgment, like his original "expert" estimates which warned that the spread of the disease could cause as many as 510,000 deaths in Britain, and projected up to 2.2 million deaths in the United States. These estimates coaxed our politicians into destroying the best economy in our country's history, illegally forced the closure of businesses and eliminated our freedoms, "guaranteed" by the Constitution. Here are a few other predictions from this "expert". [Imperial College epidemiologist Neil] Ferguson was behind the disputed research that sparked the mass culling of eleven million sheep and cattle during the 2001 outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. He also predicted that up to 150,000 people could die. There were fewer than 200 deaths.... In 2002, Ferguson predicted that up to 50,000 people would likely die from exposure to BSE (mad cow disease) in beef. In the U.K., there were only 177 deaths from BSE. In 2005, Ferguson predicted that up to 150 million people could be killed from bird flu. In the end, only 282 people died worldwide from the disease between 2003 and 2009. In 2009, a government estimate, based on Ferguson’s advice, said a “reasonable worst-case scenario” was that the swine flu would lead to 65,000 British deaths. In the end, swine flu killed 457 people in the U.K. Last March, Ferguson admitted that his Imperial College model of the COVID-19 disease was based on undocumented, 13-year-old computer code that was intended to be used for a feared influenza pandemic, rather than a coronavirus. Ferguson declined to release his original code so other scientists could check his results. He only released a heavily revised set of code last week, after a six-week delay. The only "experts" who have been right, have been those who have or warned against or are finally warning against the insane overreactions of politicians around the world. The fact is, over 650,000 people died worldwide from the flu in 2019 and so far, less than half that have died from C-19, assuming you can trust the government published numbers, which you can't. But, let's assume that the C-19 deaths were double that number. Will fewer people die from the consequences of the lockdowns? More and more evidence is showing that the consequences of the lockdowns are many times worse than C-19. Thank you "experts" and thank you, you brilliant politicians for turning C-19 into the greatest disaster in the history of mankind. And finally, thank you citizens for trusting the "experts" and the politicians with your safety, health and wellbeing. But, wait and see! It will get worse!
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
I highly recommend this video explaining the very negative consequences of the lockdowns throughout the world entitled: Nobel prize winning scientist Prof Michael Levitt: lockdown is a “huge mistake”
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
From the mouth of Dr. Deborah Brix, Coronavirus Response Coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Proof that the US Government is counting all deaths as C-19 deaths, regardless of the actual cause of death, if the deceased had contracted C-19. and a longer version here,
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
An update on Plandemic.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
If the video linked in this post which I'm typing right now is not a conspiracy theory, nothing I've tried to explain in the posts below matters. Plandemic Documentary The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid!
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
I'm 64 years old, considered medically obese (even though my 39 year old, gorgeous, 5'10" fiancée thinks I look fantastic), suffer from hypertension and diabetes. According to a recent article, most of those who have died from C-19, were over 60 years old and possessed one of these three illnesses. As I mentioned, I have all three, so I'd say that I'm high risk. But, I still want the freedom to decide for myself, how to best protect myself. There's nothing I despise more than the unconstitutional dictates of elected officials.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Here is a link to the article: