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Entreprenuer, Supply Chain & Logistics Consultant
Supply Chain and Logistics Management executive and Business Consultant with 40 years of international business experience at several world class manufacturing, technology and logistics companies. Executive level experience includes Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Business ...more

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The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

You can thank the West for bringing China out of poverty. Thank the American and European companies that exported jobs and technology to China. Thank the Western markets for scarfing up China's production. Thank Bill Clinton for sending rocket scientists to fix their missiles that can now reach the USA.

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

Do you have idea why McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut and other fast food chains are installing kiosks in their restaurants for customers to order and pay for their food, along with the new pickup counters? The kiosks replace employees as businesses fight to keep their costs as low as possible, in order to stay in business and make profits.The major benefit is cost savings. Forcing a $15 minimum wage, or any minimum wage, for entry level labor, ultimately results in fewer jobs, especially as more businesses take advantage of technology developed to help them reduce costs. Labor costs are typically the single highest cost for a restaurant. The wage that businesses choose to pay, at all levels, not just entry level jobs, is the lowest they can get away with. That's the nature of business. When the labor force exceeds demand, wages drop. The opposite occurs when there is a shortage in the labor pool. Entry level jobs are a "commodity" which means wages move with demand for that commodity.

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

Have you been to China and why do you have an affection for a communist dictatorship with slave labor camps?

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

This may surprise you, but I despise that our presidents and congress continue to sacrifice American soldiers in military conflicts, along with trillions of dollars, on practically every continent, year after year and to no avail. No one benefits except the military industrial complex and the politicians they fund. But, I neither support, nor care about those who've become our enemies. We should leave the world to its own demise. The world is full of conflict, as it has been since the beginning of time and will be until the end of time. What a great country we could have if it weren't for politicians.

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

How do you measure the threat? And why do Americans who despise America, stay?

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

Neither the Byzantines nor their enemies had nukes.

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

The blind man with the cane needs to use it to beat the hell out of the politicians who got us here in the first place! No incentive system, no tax system, no wage system, no economic system whatsoever, can possibly work when politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike, throw away TRILLIONS $$$ of Dollars they don't have. The "House of Cards" is eventually going to collapse and like nothing anyone has ever seen before. Every great society, in the history of mankind, eventually collapsed. I'm sure the citizens of those societies never thought it would happen, just like the citizens of our "great" society can't see it, imagine it or believe it, even though it's really very easy, if you simply take the time to look up from your computer or iPhone screen. And, don't think the end will simply be an economic collapse. When the great nations of history faced intense internal strife, war has always been seen as a means of deliverance from the impending tragedy. If you think our politicians have led us down a slippery slope, wait and see what comes next. Also, you should understand that this will not be another Korean War, Vietnam War, Middle East War or even WWI or WWII. We are closer than we've ever been to nuclear war and I'm not talking about the fact that we've pushed the Russian bear into a corner and are poking it with a sharp stick. Our greatest threat to peace is China and we are mostly responsible for giving them the economic and technological means necessary to arm themselves. Minimum wage? Seriously?

Why No Democrat Will Admit The Truth About COVID-19
4 years ago

What am I missing? To date, their may be ~300K deaths from C-19. All the world, except Sweden and Belarus, as far as I know, have shut down their economies and locked down their citizens. Even if you double the number, that's only ~600K deaths. I'm no mathematician, but I think that equals about 8/1,000ths of 1 percent of the world population of 7.7 billion. According to "OurWorldInData", more people die every year from suicide and AIDS, not to mention, 13 other major causes of death, totaling about 56 million deaths every year, year after year! I'm seeing more and more reports that show more people will die because of the ever worsening economy and lockdowns. Again, what am I missing? Am I insane?

Why No Democrat Will Admit The Truth About COVID-19
4 years ago

If you just skim the news you will see more and more reports about 1. Significant over-reporting of C-19 deaths, 2. A significant increase of deaths due to shutting the economies of the world and forced lockdowns. 3. All the models were wrong. Her are a few reports to review, but there are lots more.

Colorado amends coronavirus death count - says fewer have died of COVID-19 than previously reported: www.foxnews.com/.../...rs-coronavir...-death-count

Unicef warns lockdown could kill more than Covid-19 as model predicts 1.2 million child deaths: www.telegraph.co.uk/.../unicef-warns-lockdown-could-kill-covid-19-model-predicts-12/

Imperial College model Britain used to justify lockdown a 'buggy mess', 'total unreliable', experts claim: www.foxnews.com/.../imperial-college-britain-coronavirus-lockdown-buggy-mess-unreliable

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