The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1

The man with the white tipped cane stood up. As everybody turned towards him, the woman next to me leaned towards me and whispered, “No matter the forum, he always says the same thing.”

The man had a simple complaint, one he had delivered time and again. He wanted to work, but as soon as he took in a paycheck, no matter how small, he’d lose the benefits he collected as a blind man. He wanted to preserve his benefits, even if he got a job.

He wanted to contribute to society, without threatening the safety net he needed to survive.

As I look at the economic catastrophe sweeping the world, I find myself reminded of that man.

Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash

The U.S. unemployment rate, including those “absent from work due to COVID-related reasons” is already close to 20%. Vast numbers of people are people are being kept on payrolls despite a lack of work. The actual ‘unemployment’ rate is far higher than is being reported.

Most focus on the economic hardship. Jobs are lost, rent and mortgages can’t be paid, investments have vanished, bankruptcies are spreading. In this environment, our first challenge is ensuring people’s basic needs are met. We can produce food and we can subsidize rent and mortgages.

Even if we succeed in these areas, we’ll be failing to address what I would call the spiritual hardship. As that blind man made clear, resources are not all that matters. Jobs are not just a way to create or acquire resources. Jobs can give those who have them a fundamental sense of meaning, purpose and, ultimately, fulfillment. With a productive job, you are contributing to society. You are contributing to something bigger than yourself.

In the aftermath of corona, even the best subsidy and resource distribution schemes will leave tens of millions lacking the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives. Just as with the blind man’s subsidy, those distribution schemes are already keeping low-skilled workers at home. Impressive unemployment benefits are making workers reluctant to return to work. In this environment, some are suggesting boosting the minimum wage to help those workers through these challenging times. Of course, in an environment where there is less opportunity to create value, higher minimum wages will just price more Americans out of the workforce.

On our present course, lower skilled workers may justifiably expect a decade or more of jobless despair.

Thankfully, even now, there is a way that we can emerge from this crisis stronger than we’ve ever been before. The answer lays in fundamentally restructuring our tax and welfare systems.

The US worker faces a major economic challenge. Americans, even with the collapse in employment rates, cost too much to employ in low-skilled jobs. The minimum wage in California is $12.00/hr plus benefits. A Chinese employee costs a fraction of that. If you can offshore your jobs, you do.

For the individual employer’s perspective that makes complete sense. But if an American is left unemployed because of that decision, the government (which ultimately collects its money from Americans) can end up paying the unemployed American as much as the company is saving in direct costs. A study in the Midwest showed that when a particular local industry was bankrupted by lower cost overseas competition, the local governments in the one affected state paid more in subsidies than all U.S. consumers combined saved from the cheaper foreign product.

With 4% unemployment, all of this was largely academic. Few people were being left unemployed despite the cost of employing them. Americans were used for higher value (and higher paying) roles while lower-cost labor increased overall productivity and even created higher-end opportunities for Americans.

However, with employment approaching 20%, the picture changes. There is suddenly a need for a system that gets people into the workforce, rather than having potential jobs offshored to low-cost countries because Americans can’t compete due to government mandates. The answer is not to force jobs onshore; this just makes American companies less competitive. Instead, we need to make the entire American system more competitive.

This can be done by combining two simple principles:

  1. Get rid of the minimum wage, so Americans are not priced out of work. So long as they are interested and can do the work, local employees will be the first option for many American manufacturers.
  2. Boost very-low incomes with public funds so low-paid Americans can still get by. As the bottom fifth of Americans received an average of $45,389 in annual government transfers – prior to the Corona virus – this might not require any additional outlays.

With this approach, many Americans would have fulfilling work and would be able to contribute to society even as they received subsidies.

The simplest short-term way to execute this would be a progressive payroll tax with a negative initial rate. By having a smoothly increasing rate there would be no point at which people would be discouraged from earning more. Of course, this approach keeps our overly complex and discouraging tax system. In the longer term, a far more radical approach – a progressive sales tax – could be implemented that would offer numerous additional benefits.

The concept is relatively simple:

  1. Items would be priced at the full taxable rate
  2. Every taxpayer would have their spending accounts (checking, credit card etc…) linked to the social security numbers of themselves and their dependents
  3. A taxpayers initial spending in a period would result in the government depositing funds in their spending account. For example, the first $100 in spending might see a $90 deposit – refunding the tax paid and providing a subsidy to those with low spending. The second $100 would see a smaller deposit and so on until the deposit disappears.
  4. Tax collection would occur on all incoming funds. By default, a percentage off all revenues, whether payroll or sales, would be siphoned off at the top-line tax rate.
  5. Finally, spending could be classified as business spending. In these cases, taxes on spending would be refunded. Businesses, of course, would have no subsidy available, their lowest rate would be 0.

The benefit of this approach is its radical simplicity.

  1. All other taxes – from income to payroll to sales tax – would go away. The calculation of income would go away, together with almost all the arbitrary complexity that that entails.
  2. This system could also replace almost all other welfare systems, from food stamps to section 8 to rent control. One remaining form of welfare would be a basic payment to those with radical disabilities, such as the blind. Even if they had a job, that subsidy would remain.

There are a number of other attractive attributes of this approach.

Auditing would be by transaction, not period. Aside from non-electronic spending, no filings would be necessary. And because the bottom tier of spenders would be most eager to report their income, trickle-up accountable would be possible. An individual might pay another high-earning individual ‘off-the-books’ but at some point, those individuals will spend funds with cleaners, car detailers, gardeners etc… who have a strong desire to report. When that happens, the trail of undocumented revenue would be traceable back up the chain. If high-earners chose to compensate bottom-level earners for their lost subsidies then the high-earners would see little benefit to their tax evasion while the lower-tier earners would only be able to spend funds with other tax evaders (who would not report the revenue).

From a broader perspective, this sort of tax and welfare system would open the door to fulfilling work to low-skilled American workers. Government-mandated costs of employment – which drive US companies to overseas production – would vanish. Instead, so long as American labor is interested in the work, Americna workers would be in the mix to actually do it.

Perhaps most importantly, this is not a recipe for very low-income work. There will still be a market for labor and a limited supply of it. Wages rose in Mexico, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and China because prosperity, not government policy, drove up the value of those countries’ workers. The same forces would continue to apply in the US. As an example, Switzerland has no minimum wage but 98.7% of full-time employees make over $37,000/year – after tax.

As we look at the massive unemployment brought on by the coronavirus, the economic displacement gives us an opportunity to trigger an economic boom within our own borders. Inner cities with minimal employment (and all the social costs of unemployment) could see a rebirth. On-shoring could grow from a trickle to a tsunami. And, through it all, the bureaucratic costs of doing business in America could be slashed.

The blind man wanted to contribute to society, without threatening the safety net he needed to survive.

In these trouble times, where both our contributions and our safety net are threatened, his vision can inspire us all.

(Next: reimaging health care)

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<< Read More: The Road To A Post-Corona Boom (Healthcare) - Part 2

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Mike Faragut 4 years ago Member's comment

Great comment thread. But @[DRM](user:130312), I disagree. In fact I think the US should make it mandatory to wear a mask outdoors. Science has proven that it helps limit the spread of #COVID19 and countries and states that have made it mandatory are faring far better.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

First of all, I wear a mask whenever I'm within a few meters of strangers, because I have, not one, but all of the preexisting conditions that puts an individual at high risk. However, the little that "science" or scientists have "learned" about C-19 is pathetic at best, with many of them contradicting one another or themselves every week, week after week. I've seen reports saying that masks help prevent the spread of the virus and I've seen reports that say the virus can escape the mask of someone infected and then penetrate the mask of another individual. But, look at the numbers. On the whole, humans are at no greater risk of contracting or dying from C-19 than we are of contracting or dying from the Flu virus. Take into account that there is a vaccine for the flu and yet, according to the CDC, 80,000 Americans died from the flu during the 2017-18 flu season, while 42 million Americans we infected and 900,000 were hospitalized. Do you want to be forced to wear a mask every flu season, maybe every time you are in public, year-round, for the rest of your life? Taking into account that our “brilliant” government decided to count all deaths as C-19 deaths, when an individual died, having contracted the virus, regardless of whether or not it contributed to the death, the numbers are significantly inflated. Add to this the number of elderly people who died in retirement homes, because government officials forced these homes to accept infected individuals and add to that the number of individuals who contracted the virus from someone they were forced to “shelter in place” with, then the number of deaths become much closer to the annual flu deaths. Don’t forget to take into consideration the fact that if there were a vaccine for C-19, it would in fact be much less deadly than the flu, or at least no more deadly. Finally, reports from several sources show that the forced quarantines “caused” overall more deaths than the virus itself and this does not even take into consideration the immeasurable damage done to the US and world economy, which put more than 50 million Americans out of work. But, most importantly, the freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution, prohibit every single forced restriction that has already been imposed on the citizens of our once great nation, by the mayors and governors of almost every city and state in the country. If this ever gets in front of the Supreme Court, there will be mud on the faces of all of these politicians at best and possibly blood spilled at worst. I don’t want my freedoms, which I fought for as a US Army Infantry Officer, illegally taken away or the freedoms of any US citizen. So, no, I don’t want anyone to be forced to wear a mask in public, outdoors. I do believe that businesses and other organizations have the right to require a mask to be worn while on their premises. If you are afraid of being infected, stay out of public, but don’t restrict the freedoms of your fellow Americans. FREEDOM!

Mike Faragut 4 years ago Member's comment

I'm glad you are staying safe and wearing a mask. I simply don't understand those who view wearing a mask as a weakness or would actually make fun of people who wear them (which Trump HAS done). It makes no sense - if there is even a chance that wearing a mask can keep you and others safe, why not wear one while out? They aren't THAT uncomfortable. It seems to be sheer stupidity to me.

Kirk Sheffield 4 years ago Member's comment

I agree. At first I felt that people have rights, but we have plenty of other laws to help save lives. We make people wear seat belts for example. What's the difference? Even more so, why should I die because others are too lazy to wear a mask.

Joseph Cox 4 years ago Contributor's comment

I wrote a piece that brought together all the various policies under a single concept - empowering America...

Joseph Cox 4 years ago Contributor's comment

I've added a few wrinkles to this. Instead of eliminating the minimum wage, it could just be lowered (as subsidies raised) in times of high unemployment. This could be predicated on a standard schedule. It would have a similar effect as the above, but cause fewer ideological challenges.

Secondly, is a wrinkle I'd just forgotten about. In the case of non-business asset sales (think houses and cars), people could be reimbursed for the tax paid up to the amount that was paid when they purchased the asset. So if you buy a house for a million dollars, $250,000 would go to tax prior to reaching the buyer. When you sell that house for 1.1 million you would be able to file to only pay tax on the final $100,000 - or $25,000. Likewise, if you buy a car for $50,000 and then sell it for $25,000 you would get back the tax on the sale - in essence only paying for what you consumed.

Businesses would just have business expenses and so would have their initial purchases supplemented with no option for cash back on sales. Thus, this sort of filing would be the exception, not the rule.

Joseph Cox 4 years ago Contributor's comment
Joseph Cox 4 years ago Contributor's comment

Next part added. It is about universal health care...

Angry Old Lady 4 years ago Member's comment

Why is the answer to get rid of the minimum wage rather than to raise the minimum wage. The minimum wage is to protect workers from being taken advantage of. In an economy like this, people might be willing to work for a few dollars per day. That's practically slavery. It used to be like that here and still is in some 3rd world countries.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

Do you have idea why McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut and other fast food chains are installing kiosks in their restaurants for customers to order and pay for their food, along with the new pickup counters? The kiosks replace employees as businesses fight to keep their costs as low as possible, in order to stay in business and make profits.The major benefit is cost savings. Forcing a $15 minimum wage, or any minimum wage, for entry level labor, ultimately results in fewer jobs, especially as more businesses take advantage of technology developed to help them reduce costs. Labor costs are typically the single highest cost for a restaurant. The wage that businesses choose to pay, at all levels, not just entry level jobs, is the lowest they can get away with. That's the nature of business. When the labor force exceeds demand, wages drop. The opposite occurs when there is a shortage in the labor pool. Entry level jobs are a "commodity" which means wages move with demand for that commodity.

Joseph Cox 4 years ago Contributor's comment

If you raise the minimum wage you'll raise unemployment (at least long-term). The cost of labor, combined with improvements in technology, has led to marginal automation getting the leg up (think self-checkout, fast food ordering screens, German and Japanese factories). We shouldn't drive labor costs down to address this - if machines are cheaper, great. But we shouldn't artificially raise them either. Instead, we should make it possible for anybody who isn't severely disabled or a criminal to be worth employing. Dropping the obligation on companies to provide a minimum salary enables this. At the same time, we add an obligation on society to supplement those with low wages.

This is a method of getting people into the workforce and subsidizing the little value they can return in this sort of environment.

Of course, as the economy improves the value they can deliver will rise. This is why software developers, doctors and many others don't get paid minimum wage - there is labor market demand that drives up their salaries. This is also why 98.7% of Swiss full-time workers make more than $37,000 a year - despite there being no minimum wage in Switzerland.

People are worth more in a successful economy.

In the modern American economy, employers can't band together to force down wages on employees. There is robust competition between employers and industries for talent. A few months ago, this meant that only 2% of workers earned minimum wage. A robust economy drove up wages. We don't have a robust economy, so instead of minimum wage we'll just see mass persistent unemployment.

I'd prefer to cleanly and simply subsidize the working poor than put them out of work.

Bindi Dhaduk 4 years ago Member's comment

I don't get it. So the man with the cane was blind? What does that have to do with anything?

Joseph Cox 4 years ago Contributor's comment

He couldn't work because we have a benefits system that 1) threatened his subsistence if he earned a living and 2) required him to be worth more than the value he could deliver.

This is about addressing those issues.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

The blind man with the cane needs to use it to beat the hell out of the politicians who got us here in the first place! No incentive system, no tax system, no wage system, no economic system whatsoever, can possibly work when politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike, throw away TRILLIONS $$$ of Dollars they don't have. The "House of Cards" is eventually going to collapse and like nothing anyone has ever seen before. Every great society, in the history of mankind, eventually collapsed. I'm sure the citizens of those societies never thought it would happen, just like the citizens of our "great" society can't see it, imagine it or believe it, even though it's really very easy, if you simply take the time to look up from your computer or iPhone screen. And, don't think the end will simply be an economic collapse. When the great nations of history faced intense internal strife, war has always been seen as a means of deliverance from the impending tragedy. If you think our politicians have led us down a slippery slope, wait and see what comes next. Also, you should understand that this will not be another Korean War, Vietnam War, Middle East War or even WWI or WWII. We are closer than we've ever been to nuclear war and I'm not talking about the fact that we've pushed the Russian bear into a corner and are poking it with a sharp stick. Our greatest threat to peace is China and we are mostly responsible for giving them the economic and technological means necessary to arm themselves. Minimum wage? Seriously?

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

They probably crashed after weakening the lower classes. Also; we are the world's greatest threat. Not China.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

How do you measure the threat? And why do Americans who despise America, stay?

Texan Hunter 4 years ago Member's comment

I've always asked the same question!

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

Because their full of crap! They know there's no better place on earth, no better place to live, in history, than the USA.

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

We are continually provoking China in the South China Sea. We are the greatest threat to world peace.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

This may surprise you, but I despise that our presidents and congress continue to sacrifice American soldiers in military conflicts, along with trillions of dollars, on practically every continent, year after year and to no avail. No one benefits except the military industrial complex and the politicians they fund. But, I neither support, nor care about those who've become our enemies. We should leave the world to its own demise. The world is full of conflict, as it has been since the beginning of time and will be until the end of time. What a great country we could have if it weren't for politicians.

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

We need China, the only real growth machine in the world. China may leave us to our own demise.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

Have you been to China and why do you have an affection for a communist dictatorship with slave labor camps?

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

Look at it this way. China has brought 700 million people out of poverty. I am not a fan, but respect is due. China bailed us out of the Great Recession. They may not help us now.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

You can thank the West for bringing China out of poverty. Thank the American and European companies that exported jobs and technology to China. Thank the Western markets for scarfing up China's production. Thank Bill Clinton for sending rocket scientists to fix their missiles that can now reach the USA.

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

Why would you treat China any differently than Japan? Japan is an ally. China is a fake enemy, set up to be one by our perverse government.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

I agree that our government is full of perverse, corrupt politicians. Unfortunately, though there are some honest and good intentioned politicians, there is no uncorrupt government and probably never has been anywhere in the world, at anytime in history. I have flown around the world many times, more than 3 million miles as an adult, for both pleasure and business. I've been to more countries than 99% of Americans. I've lived in Europe (Western and Eastern) and in Asia, as well as both coasts of the USA, and in the North and South. I've seen the corruption that exists elsewhere and it's ugly. Unfortunately, corruption is getting worse and worse in America. About China, if a country acts the same as an enemy, conducting espionage, stealing technology, trade and military secrets, are they not in fact an enemy? Do we have to wait until they attack us by surprise, before we consider them an enemy? Remember Japan?

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

Japan's economic boom came years after Pearl Harbor and is the reason why your car doesn't fall apart every few years.

Bill Myers 4 years ago Member's comment

While I don't consider China an enemy (at least not yet, that may change if Trump wins a 2nd term), they are certainly not an ally. Japan is.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

I'm a patriot and a capitalist, but I believe that the American corporations, to be more exact, the executives at the American corporations, who exported our jobs and technology overseas are no different than those who betray their country during time of war. They're technically traitors! Their greed and short sightedness will cost future American generations immeasurably. About Japan, allies sometimes become enemies, think about the Soviets. Hopefully, this won't be the case with Japan. One of the biggest problems we face is the insane idea that all cultures have the same morals, values and ethics as we do. They don't! If this were the case, Pearl Harbor would never have happened.

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

You aren't a capitalist. Free traders are capitalists, and that includes China! Why would we want our greatest customer base to experience hardship? We want customers to prosper. That is capitalism.

Jack S. Chen 4 years ago Member's comment

Gary, China is NOT a capitalist country.

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

Actually, the economic miracle of China is based upon free trade and low tariffs. When the USA was young like China, our tariffs were far higher than China's are.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

Show me proof of you claim!

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

Why do you think that I'm not a capitalist? I'm an entrepreneur who owns multiple businesses, trading freely with my customers. Based on my research, according to Forbes, Mexico is now America's biggest trading partner, then the EU, then China. India will someday overtake China. If you compare imports/exports or the "trade imbalance", we purchase almost 4 times as much from China as they do from us. About what capitalism is, you need to look at a dictionary. I think that you are either a Chinaman disguised and an American, married to someone from China or have some other connection with China that is clouding your ability accept reason.

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

Chinaman? You use a negative term, Chinaman? My natural father was born in Key West. You must understand that US tech makers must be able to trade with China. The Chinese can afford the products. But they are now being stressed. Our companies will pay dearly.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

I disagree! The US "needs" no trading partners. We have all the natural resources and technology necessary to be self sufficient. We don't need the rest of the world. We would be much stronger and economically sound had we never engaged with China. It will be very interesting to see if Trump follows through on his promise to fund the return of American businesses supply chains and manufacturing to the USA. By the way, saying that your natural father was born in Key West sounds exactly like something a foreigner would say if they were trying to show that they were truly American. My heritage is Irish/Cherokee!

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

That is ridiculous. We do not make all that we need. China does. We don't. You are naive.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

Speaking like a Chinaman again. Like a Maoist Chinaman. I did not say that we "make all that we need". I said that "we could", if we chose to. You're naive to think we couldn't.

Joseph Cox 4 years ago Contributor's comment

@[DRM](user:130312) @[Gary Anderson](user:4798) @[Bill Myers](user:24893) my take on China...

Joseph Cox 4 years ago Contributor's comment

The article was about economics not nuclear war :)

Throwing away trillions is going to serve as an economic damper for a long time to come. If people see how broke the US actually is, it could deliver a catastrophic blow.

But broken, bureaucratic and corrupt systems can also hold on for a long time. Look at Byzantium.

DRM 4 years ago Member's comment

Neither the Byzantines nor their enemies had nukes.

Joseph Cox 4 years ago Contributor's comment

@[Gary Anderson](user:4798) @[Danny Straus](user:5566) @[Flat Broke](user:29387) @[Angry Old Lady](user:7657) @[Joe Black](user:4869) @[Craig Newman](user:7650) I did a video about this

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

You are such a typical Republican. You have no real solutions. The problem since 2008 is that the Fed and government do trickle down. But trickle down does not work in an environment of weak demand. We have weak demand. Supply side does not work in that environment. Republicans will never get this.

Joseph Cox 4 years ago Contributor's comment

I'm actually not a Republican.

I'm not sure where the trickle down is here. The typical trickle down description seems to be very low tax rates and just drive lots of high-income which results in more demand lower down the curve. I'm not sure how that labeling applies here. After all, this is quite a high tax rate and it is also progressive.

Most importantly for me, this not only makes it easier for Betty to have a business, it also has an extensive income support system. I'm pretty sure that isn't typical supply side Republicanism.

The label just seems kind of irrelevant.

If I were to characterize left and right, right would be focused on enlarging the pie and left on making sure everybody has enough of it: Creation vs. Absence of Want/Fear.

This approach is about addressing both. But creation for me isn't some big supply side thing - it comes down to regular people having fulfilling and productive jobs. And the absence of fear isn't about just collecting a guaranteed income - the lack of work rots people (just look at studies on early retirement and early death).

Do I care about supply? Of course. Money without supply is just paper. But I also care about demand - not as a driver of economics but as a reality: people have needs and society ought to help meet them.

I am not interested in making sure people have money, if they have nothing to spend it on.

There are lots of examples of that particular catastrophe.

For me, you ought to aim somewhere in the middle: finding a way to support both creation and the absence of want/fear.

Gary Anderson 4 years ago Contributor's comment

Certainly trade Warriors like Trump have changed the Republican dynamic. Trade warriors shrink the pie. But thanks for letting me know you aren't a Republican. As far as what the Fed has done, it appears skewed to money interests. The Fed does not seem to be geared to assisting end demand.

Joseph Cox 4 years ago Contributor's comment

A friend wrote: "Read the article on TalkMarkets. It is a good idea. You write “spending could be classified as business spending. In these cases, taxes on spending would be refunded.” In this case what we have is a VAT, Value added Tax. This doesn’t change the idea, I just think it is a more accurate description.

One downside is that people currently consider what they spend their money on private. This would force you to show everything you buy to the government.

The argument could be made that the government could find this data by looking at credit cards and bank statements but currently they need to search it is not handed to them. The other issue is the burden of retaining and dealing with all the paperwork for those that don’t have a credit card although I suppose that using debit cards would handle that."

I responded:

A VAT requires a connection in the goods used. It doesn't apply to salaries for example (or replace related taxes). It also requires collection by the business. It is an enormous filling and paperwork burden.They figure out value add but in a very intensive way. This is just cash flow add, which is far simpler. You just have to follow cash, not goods. And you don't need to link inputs and outputs.

The government would only need to be able to see details in an audit. Otherwise all they need is amounts, vendors and dates, not identification of what was purchased.

I am imagining reporting paperwork only being needed for:

1) Non-electronic spending on which you want a subsidy (need evidence so you can collect it)

2) Non-electronic revenue (so you can pay tax on it)

3) Spending you want to classify as business spending (so you can justify it). I'd also add charitable spending to the non-taxable category, and it would also attract audits.

Everything but category 3 would just need meta-data - who from, who to, amount, date/time.

A debit card could handle it. And, for people who are 'unbankable' there could be a government sponsored account that allows no overages etc... but is only used for this purpose.