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Entreprenuer, Supply Chain & Logistics Consultant
Supply Chain and Logistics Management executive and Business Consultant with 40 years of international business experience at several world class manufacturing, technology and logistics companies. Executive level experience includes Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Business ...more

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Coronavirus: Let's Move On
4 years ago

Don't worry! The truth avoids the majority. There's hope! Take the red pill and set yourself free.

Coronavirus: Let's Move On
4 years ago

Mankind is not evolving, it is de-volving. How else can you explain such foolish actions in response to just one more in a long series of viruses? We learn nothing from history. And still, after all the statistics showing that this is no worse than the flu, with death rates drastically falling, with a very high percentage of asymptomatic infectoids, politicians are again unconstitutionally forcing the house arrest of innocent citizens and forced closures of legally operating businesses. When will it end? When will the people finally rise up and throw these morons out of office?

Is Swine Flu Going To Be The Next Pandemic?
4 years ago

Austria, where no one wears a mask and everything is running just as it did before C-19.

Is Swine Flu Going To Be The Next Pandemic?
4 years ago

The ignorance of Marxists never ceases to amaze me. Facts don’t matter to Marxists, only feelings do! Well, their feelings aren’t the only thing that’s going to be hurt if Marxism prevails. I spent most of the past 5½ years in the former Soviet Union and I’ve seen first hand what a disaster Marxism is. Every former Soviet country is still a 3rd world country and poverty still consumes the majority of its citizens. Sad!

Is Swine Flu Going To Be The Next Pandemic?
4 years ago

55 million people die every year. Compared to that, it’s minuscule. Wait and see how long, if ever, it takes to recover from the disastrous effect of shutting the economy. Almost 50 million people in America lost their jobs. You can be sure that almost all of them live paycheck to paycheck. There’s also lots of independent reports on the significant increase in suicides, death in cancer and heart patients and others who were either too afraid to seek medical attention or couldn’t because of closed medical facilities. We don’t yet know the full disastrous impact of the unconstitutional actions of the politicians.

Is Swine Flu Going To Be The Next Pandemic?
4 years ago

The question isn’t what will the next “pandemic” be. It’s will governments ever again allow the people to decide how to best protect themselves and is the relatively minuscule loss of life due to the virus worth the immeasurable cost of shuttering the economy. Seems the answer to both is, NO!

What Will Push Stocks Higher?
4 years ago

With almost 50 million people put out of work, by the insane and unconstitutional actions, of most of the country's mayors and governors, can anyone seriously consider the few million who have returned to work as "growth" in the economy? Wouldn't it be more accurate to wait until all those who lost their jobs, actually return to work, before talking about "growth". Recovery, to some degree, yes. Growth, no! The press and the politicians are doing a bang up job of: (1) Needlessly scaring the public senseless over "spiking" infection rates, which are mostly a result of increased testing, while actual death rates have fallen drastically. (2) Continuing to pump bullets into the corpse that was the greatest economy in the country's history, by senselessly burning more trillions of dollars, bringing the nation closer to bankruptcy/default than we've ever been before. (3) Allowing and even supporting rioters who are desperate to rewrite history, setting the stage for a civil/race war that the country may never recover from. Stalin is dancing in hell as he watches the USA destroy itself, something the Soviets could never accomplish when we were the "United" States of America. The only one's profiting as the market yoyo's are the brokers and some keen investors. The market is not an indicator of the state of the economy. It's a casino. Place your bets!

Gold Price Outlook: Gold Slammed Lower On Record US Jobs Creation
4 years ago

Strap the politicians to the missiles and see if they don't change their minds.

In this article: GLD
The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

First of all, I wear a mask whenever I'm within a few meters of strangers, because I have, not one, but all of the preexisting conditions that puts an individual at high risk. However, the little that "science" or scientists have "learned" about C-19 is pathetic at best, with many of them contradicting one another or themselves every week, week after week. I've seen reports saying that masks help prevent the spread of the virus and I've seen reports that say the virus can escape the mask of someone infected and then penetrate the mask of another individual. But, look at the numbers. On the whole, humans are at no greater risk of contracting or dying from C-19 than we are of contracting or dying from the Flu virus. Take into account that there is a vaccine for the flu and yet, according to the CDC, 80,000 Americans died from the flu during the 2017-18 flu season, while 42 million Americans we infected and 900,000 were hospitalized. Do you want to be forced to wear a mask every flu season, maybe every time you are in public, year-round, for the rest of your life? Taking into account that our “brilliant” government decided to count all deaths as C-19 deaths, when an individual died, having contracted the virus, regardless of whether or not it contributed to the death, the numbers are significantly inflated. Add to this the number of elderly people who died in retirement homes, because government officials forced these homes to accept infected individuals and add to that the number of individuals who contracted the virus from someone they were forced to “shelter in place” with, then the number of deaths become much closer to the annual flu deaths. Don’t forget to take into consideration the fact that if there were a vaccine for C-19, it would in fact be much less deadly than the flu, or at least no more deadly. Finally, reports from several sources show that the forced quarantines “caused” overall more deaths than the virus itself and this does not even take into consideration the immeasurable damage done to the US and world economy, which put more than 50 million Americans out of work. But, most importantly, the freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution, prohibit every single forced restriction that has already been imposed on the citizens of our once great nation, by the mayors and governors of almost every city and state in the country. If this ever gets in front of the Supreme Court, there will be mud on the faces of all of these politicians at best and possibly blood spilled at worst. I don’t want my freedoms, which I fought for as a US Army Infantry Officer, illegally taken away or the freedoms of any US citizen. So, no, I don’t want anyone to be forced to wear a mask in public, outdoors. I do believe that businesses and other organizations have the right to require a mask to be worn while on their premises. If you are afraid of being infected, stay out of public, but don’t restrict the freedoms of your fellow Americans. FREEDOM!

Gold Price Outlook: Gold Slammed Lower On Record US Jobs Creation
4 years ago

Answer this! Whether you are holding gold or paper gold, what can you do with it if the entire world economy and every currency of every country collapses to the point of becoming totally worthless, like Germany suffered after WW1? Does your average person have any idea if the "gold" he's offered for his goods or services is real or not and how to value it even if he does? We are too far away from the times when gold dust was exchanged as a currency. When everything goes to s..., you better have something to barter with.

In this article: GLD
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