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Entreprenuer, Supply Chain & Logistics Consultant
Supply Chain and Logistics Management executive and Business Consultant with 40 years of international business experience at several world class manufacturing, technology and logistics companies. Executive level experience includes Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Business ...more

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The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

Because their full of crap! They know there's no better place on earth, no better place to live, in history, than the USA.

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

The US ran out of money years ago! The government has not only stolen from our grandchildren, they have stolen from every future American generation. This country will live on credit, basically stolen money, because it will never be paid back, until the USA eventually defaults.

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

The absolute best economic model yet, throughout history, is the Free Market and Free Trade. Producers produce what they think consumers want and consumers purchase what appeals to them. Government "interference" of any type diminishes the market and adds cost. There should be no subsidies to any industry and no allowance of subsidized products from abroad.

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

Speaking like a Chinaman again. Like a Maoist Chinaman. I did not say that we "make all that we need". I said that "we could", if we chose to. You're naive to think we couldn't.

Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

Don't we fooled by "speculation". This is not proven, it's just a guess. The world locked down and economies closed, putting 40 million Americans out of work, based on speculation, which has now been proven to be wrong!

Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

Have you seen the news lately? C-19 is real, but the danger was hyped greater than anything in history, including "Global Warming". Seriously, search through the internet and you will find lots of scientists, physicians, statisticians and other "experts" who now, finally refute the danger of C-19 and the numbers of infected and deaths from C-19 as well. Governments, the press and "experts" all lied to the public about C-19. The illegally forced lockdowns killed or will kill more people than C-19, while putting 40 million additional people out of work in the USA alone. Even Prof Neil Ferguson, who authored the report, based on his terribly erroneous model, that triggered the world's politicians to lockdown, has said that the lockdowns did not work and were not necessary. Read this:


BTW, there will be fewer C-19 deaths worldwide this year than from the flu, which averages 650,000 deaths annually, eventhough there’s a vaccine for the flu. And unlike C-19, the flu kills regardless of the age or health of the individual.

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom (Foreign Policy) - Part 3
4 years ago

I'm no one's victim! I'm much better educated and far more experienced than most people today. I graduated at the top of my MBA class, have years of military and business experience, am a successful financially independent Entrepreneur, as well as being an independent thinker. I'm a former US Army, Infantry, Airborne, Ranger and French Commando trained officer, 6'4" tall, with an athletic build, a very strong alpha male, who served on the border opposite the former Soviet Union. Since then I've traveled around the world, flying more than 3 million miles, 2 million on American Airlines alone. I've done business in China and Hong Kong, as well as Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Australia. I've lived, mostly in Russia for the past 5½ years, enjoying the spoils of our Cold War victory over the Marxists Soviets. And yes, Russian women are the most beautiful in the world and they still hold on tightly to the traditional role of women and expect their men to be men! So, again, I'm no one's victim, no one's "useful idiot".

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom (Foreign Policy) - Part 3
4 years ago

You are 100% correct! Re-elect Trump and elect Republicans as mayors, governors and congressman/senators and see the difference.

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom (Foreign Policy) - Part 3
4 years ago

Ask a Marxist this question and they will say, "NEVER". Not only do they not want the Military called in, they want the police forces around the country disbanded. I suggest a simple experiment. Withdraw the police and military from just one city governed by a Democrat and see what happens. I pick Minneapolis. Seriously, past presidents have called in the military to stop riots. Trump has the legal authority to do the same and he will not have been the first to do it, as the Marxists accuse him of being.

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