Adam Reynolds - Comments

Adam Reynolds

Retail Investor
I've worked hard my whole life, but it wasn't until my introduction to investing where I found my groove and was able to make it big. A movie fan, collector, and big kid at heart, I can finally indulge in all the finer things in life I was denied as a child! The world is mine!

Latest Comments
A Better Way To Invest In EVs Than Tesla…
2 years ago

Well said.

In this article: CLF, TSLA
Signing Off-Going On Sabbatical
2 years ago

Don't blame yourself. Putin is not sane and can't be expected to react rationally.

Gold And The Dollar Went In Opposite Directions Again
2 years ago

Excellent analysis as usual.

Richard Haas
2 years ago

Would be great if it ended this month, but I think Putin has a hard time admitting he's been defeated. I don't think there are even any diplomatic avenues being pursued at the moment, so it would have to be a unilateral retreat which would probably end Purin's career and forever tarnish his legacy. He'd probably burn Ukraine to the ground rather than let them gloat.  I think the only way the war would end this month is if Putin was overthrown.

Richard Haas
2 years ago

Not so familar with him.  Did he do something recently to trigger this  blog post?

A Rare Buy Signal In Tech Stocks
2 years ago

That's quite a graphic graphic!

In Case You Missed It
2 years ago

I could be wrong, but if one believes the news, Putin may be dying, and if so, he may not be thinking clearly. He may also be concerned with his legacy as he faces his own mortality.  Personally, I hope Ukraine kicks his @ss, and that the Russian people give him the boot.

Putin's Off Ramp
2 years ago

Interesting thoughts. But I think Putin isn't quite sane and he seems more concerned about not admitting defeat, and any withdrawal will be viewed as a defeat.  He will likely level and burn Ukraine down and claim that as a victory.  A "if we can't have it, no one can" mentality that he can pitch as protecting Russia from Ukrainian agression - which of course is bogus.

5 Retailers Helping To Lower The Cost Of Prescription Drugs
2 years ago

I thought #Amazon was getting into the prescription drug space. Amazon always manages to get rock bottom pricing.  $AMZN.

In this article: COST, GDRX, WMT, CPWM
Bion Environmental Technologies Turns Waste Into Marketable Products
2 years ago

Impressed!  And suprised that $BENT has maintained its value while all the other stocks have crashed.

In this article: BNET
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