I've worked hard my whole life, but it wasn't until my introduction to investing where I found my groove and was able to make it big. A movie fan, collector, and big kid at heart, I can finally indulge in all the finer things in life I was denied as a child! The world is mine!
I've worked hard my whole life, but it wasn't until my introduction to investing where I found my groove and was able to make it big. A movie fan, collector, and big kid at heart, I can finally indulge in all the finer things in life I was denied as a child! The world is mine!
Latest Comments
Monthly Dividend Stock In Focus: Orchid Island Capital
Nice stock pick.
How To Be Profitable In A Bear Market - Using Volatility To Your Advantage
$VXX is broken.
Zoom Video Communications Q2 Earnings Top Estimates
I like Zoom, but people should have realized it's success would plummet after the pandemic.
America The Great-Part 6
Gold Price Outlook: Gold Slumps To Key Support
Would be helpful if the images were a bit larger.
The US Dollar Is Rising, Yuan Falls
Hard assets are worth more than this Monopoly currency!
Handling Classified Material
We are getting ever closer to this day.
3 Reasons The Yalla Group Share Price Might Be About To Take Off
Who Is Running America Today?
Lately Biden has impressed me for the first time since he's taken office. Maybe he's finally waking up.
A Little Sunday Reading-Freedom Vs. Authoritarianism
BTW, Jim wrote about you here: Trump, Hitler, and Globanomics | Talkmarkets
You are now famous.