Jason Green - Comments

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20,000 Robinhood Traders Are In For Rude Surprise As CBL Prepares To File Chapter 11
4 years ago

Lol maybe, but seeing the pm activity my guess is they will want a piece of the action.

In this article: CBL
Coronavirus Lockdown Leads To Gaming Boom: 5 Stocks To Watch
4 years ago

The support given will help some in dire straights, no doubt, but countless more people already have money and are now to be given more money and will have nothing but time. Any online entertainment option, and especially gambling, will benefit greatly.

Coronavirus: The Insanity Is Ending
4 years ago

Oh man, I hadn't thought of that!

Coronavirus: The Insanity Is Ending
4 years ago

Are you so sure #Covid19 is here to stay? I believe that many experts have said that it may not survive through the summer months.

I'm A Coronavirus Heretic. Here's Why...
4 years ago

This can't be true. I specifically heard #Trump say that anyone who wants a test can have one. Though he might have said "Anyone (rich and famous) who wants a test can have one" - sometimes the sound cuts out on my TV. ;-)

Ukraine – What Are The Real Numbers On US Support?
5 years ago

@[Danny Straus](user:5566) is correct. Here is a quote from the Washington Post:

"Israel will have to spend all the assistance money on American defense contractors. In other words, U.S. foreign military financing is essentially a way of subsidizing its domestic defense industry while strengthening the military capabilities of its strategic allies."

Gold May Be Topping
5 years ago

You think?

In this article: GDX, GDXJ, GLD, SLV, SPY
The Most Amazing Story About Bitcoin You’ve Ever Heard
6 years ago

That's still a lot of mulah!

In this article: BITCOMP
Rubius Therapeutics (RUBY) - A Company Based On Flawed Science
6 years ago

Good read, thanks.

In this article: RUBY
Ebay Sues Amazon Claiming Illegal And Unethical Activity
6 years ago

I was wondering the same. eBay is quoted as saying that Amazon tried to "illegally lure eBay sellers to sell on Amazon." That doesn't rise to the level of breaking the law. Does it?

In this article: AMZN, EBAY
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