Danny Straus - Comments

Danny Straus

Startup Entrepreneur
Founder and CEO of a new startup currently in stealth mode. Stay tuned for the next big idea!

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Analyst Says Sell Abbott After Stock 'Overreacted' To COVID-19 Opportunity
4 years ago

From what I've read, a new study shows that immunity would only last 6 months anyway. That's not long enough to create a herd immunity or an effective defense against #COVID19.


In this article: ABT
I'm A Coronavirus Heretic. Here's Why...
4 years ago

Mike, what do you mean when you say it is interesting how the country is financed?

Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

According to a new study in Amsterdam, COVID-19 immunity can only last a meager 6 months. That doesn't seem long enough to offer any sort of practical herd immunity:


The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

Thanks, reading your other article now...

The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
4 years ago

Is there any indications as to how long the US will be subsidizing Americans? Will there continue to be stimulus checks? Will unemployment continue to be extended indefinitely? Eventually the US will run out of money. How many trillions have they spent in the last couple of months alone?

US$ 3,000 Gold Likely By Year-End
4 years ago

Total noob question here, but what does M1 stand for?

Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

DRM, thanks for sharing this article. I had no idea about this and as an ardent supporter of Israel I am really outraged by it. You have definitely changed by opinion about the #WHO. I hope others read this article as well. While I don't think now is the time to pull funding from the WHO (we need all the help we can get fighting COVID-19), I would have supported pulling funding after they put out this ridiculous condemnation of Israel which could not have been farther from the truth.

Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

Simone/DRM: I can't find it at the moment, but I recently read an article comparing Sweden and Israel. Both are roughly the same size, but Israel enforced social distancing and closed work places, schools, and other public areas very early. They've had very few deaths by comparison as a result (about 200). I don't thing anyone can argue that social distancing does not work. It's common sense that if you aren't near others, you can't infect them. But it comes down to (and I can't believe I'm quoting Trump here) that we don't want the cure to be worse than the disease. Staying home puts a tremendous amount of economic and emotional stress on people. It might make sense to strongly encourage social distancing, but to leave it up to individuals to be responsible for themselves and make their own decisions.

Vivoo, The Startup That Takes Your Urine And Gives You Personalized Health Advice
4 years ago

How did the campaign do? You are still planning on a second? You are not concerned that with millions now unemployed, it might negatively impact the amount of money you can raise in a crowdfunding campaign?

Interview With Hellowoofy, The Marketing Startup Driven By AI And Data Science
4 years ago

@[Arjun Rai](user:130236), nice article. Do you think the pandemic has negatively impacted your crowdfunding campaign? Trying to decide if the timing is right to launch my own.

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