Danny Straus - Comments

Danny Straus

Startup Entrepreneur
Founder and CEO of a new startup currently in stealth mode. Stay tuned for the next big idea!

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Vivoo, The Startup That Takes Your Urine And Gives You Personalized Health Advice
4 years ago

@[Miray Tayfun](user:130396), do you think the pandemic has negatively impacted your crowdfunding efforts?

Interview With RoundRack - The Circular Fashion Concierge
4 years ago

Congrats @[Arie Katz](user:129561), I have a startup myself. Any tips for getting accepted to Google Campus for startups, like you did?

Fed’s Newest Measures To (Fail To) Support The Economy.
5 years ago

The future is looking scary...

I'm A Coronavirus Heretic. Here's Why...
5 years ago

I'm working on a startup and will now never get funding. I work as a waiter to get money and the restaurants are all closed. I live paycheck to paycheck. And I'm not alone. How will I pay rent? Whether we flatten the curve, abandon the elderly or make them our priority, or whatever, none of this will help. I don't see this ending any time soon. I'll be homeless before we find a cure.

Gainers And Losers From The Corona Upheaval
5 years ago

Most other infected countries are doing that. Not sure why the US doesn't also.

How To Attract Funding For Your Business During The COVID-19 Pandemic
5 years ago

Good tips here. Just yesterday I was starting to wonder how I would manage to get investors for my startup when I can't actually meet with any potential investors!

Trump Is Playing With Fire; Coronavirus Update
5 years ago

Except the Jewish community there is tight-nit. The original person infected went to Temple services, then a bar mitzvah and a funeral, all in the same weekend. He likely was in very close proximity to hundreds of people, for an extended period of time (i.e. more than 15 minutes). He likely infected several others at the very least. His entire family, and his neighbor's family have all already tested positive. More will likely come.

Trump Is Playing With Fire; Coronavirus Update
5 years ago

In Israel, they are claiming they will have a vaccine in a matter of weeks. So you are saying that's impossible?


Trump Is Playing With Fire; Coronavirus Update
5 years ago

Here in Israel we've already quarantined 100,000 people. But it's kind of an honor system. Not sure if everyone will follow the instructions.

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