Todd Sullivan | TalkMarkets | Page 38
Hedge Fund Manager, Owner of ValuePlays and Angel Investor
Contributor's Links: ValuePlays Rand Strategic Partners
Todd Sullivan is a Massachusetts-based value investor and a General Partner in Rand Strategic Partners. He looks for investments he believes are selling for a discount to their intrinsic value given their current situation and future prospects. ...more

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The “Madness Of Crowds”
Economic growth is continuing. Oil falling is due to market psychology and not a measure of economic fundamentals. Many good values are available in the current environment. I recommend taking advantage of the current panic in ‘Group Think’.
Employment Surges… Expansion Continues
Almost 300k more jobs in December and both October and November revised up by 50k…recession calls are nonsense. The stock market is not the economy.
ACAS Repurchases 8% In Q4
American Capital, Ltd. announced today that in the fourth quarter of 2015 it made open market purchases of approximately 20.7 million shares of American Capital common stock, or 8.0% of the Company’s outstanding share.
Less That 5 Days Excess Supply A "Glut"?
A New Year’s review of the global and US oil markets shows that while we have excess supply it is not the dramatic problem many believe.
S&P Intrinsic Value Update - December 28, 2015
The SP500 Intrinsic Value Index shifts to $1,989. With the SP500 at roughly $2,070, the market reflects a relatively low level of general speculation.
"Davidson" On Inflation And Pessimism
Capitalism in inherently deflationary. It’s primary goal is to produce more, better products at lower prices.
S&P 500 Intrinsic Value Update, Peak Oil?, Delinquencies
The US standard of living as we knew it was over! Did anyone notice that the concept of ‘Peak Oil’ has disappeared? There is a lesson to be learned here.
AIG Still In Reaction Mode…..
This still won’t get it done….Icahn (and shareholders) are looking for $10’s of billions in activity. Hancock seems to be refusing to acknowledge that reality.
Why The Pessimism?
Low inflation has been causing considerable confusion in the analytical community. Inflation is often a factor in growth data which cannot be ignored.
"Surprising" Jobs Report?
The Establishment Survey and Household Survey employment reports are out and not only higher than expected.
Are The Productivity Numbers Even Relevant?
Nonfarm productivity increased at a 2.2% annual rate in the third quarter, revised up from last month’s estimate of 1.6%. Nonfarm productivity is up 0.6% versus last year.
Employment Trends Accelerating
All but one state saw gains in October and gains are spread across all sectors.
PMI Measures “Feelings” Not Hard Data
The PMI is not a valid economic measure. It is a psychological indicator which has no purpose in one’s investment decision making.
Are The Saudi’s Overproducing Oil?
As usual the Saudi’s are mislabeled as over producers, Iraq and US are producing much more now than 2011. OPEC production is higher by 400,000, Saudi higher by 1.0mil, Iraq higher by 1.8mil and US higher by 3.6mil BBL/dy.
The Dollar Will Return To Trend
There are many who decry the decline of the US Dollar globally. I disagree! The decline of the US Dollar is a natural result of wealth created in the US being spread globally.
ACAS Proposes Buying Back 16% – 27% Of Shares By June
American Capital announces strategic review of alternatives seeking to maximize shareholder value, expands existing stock buyback program, now to acquire $600 million to $1 billion.
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