Todd Sullivan | TalkMarkets | Page 37
Hedge Fund Manager, Owner of ValuePlays and Angel Investor
Contributor's Links: ValuePlays Rand Strategic Partners
Todd Sullivan is a Massachusetts-based value investor and a General Partner in Rand Strategic Partners. He looks for investments he believes are selling for a discount to their intrinsic value given their current situation and future prospects. ...more

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ACAS Repurchases 8.8% Of Shares In Q1
Paul Singer is now heavily involved here and the company is shopping itself and its assets around. Given the timing of everything, it seems something will be announced late spring.
Is The Fed Really Watching Fundamentals… Or Just Prices?
The confusion of the Fed’s direction comes from their obvious behavior which shows that they are have no deeper fundamental understanding of markets than any market price-trend follower.
Market Psychology Inputs
The only way to understand what is driving market psychology which in turn drives prices during the cycle is to know where the Prevailing Rate prices the market.
Dollar Reversal
My call of 18mos ago that the US$ would reverse once this Momentum Trade had run its course was based on understanding Free Markets. One cannot time these things, but one can understand then qualitatively.
People Over Products
I advise investors to focus on people and their processes not the products companies produce or the concepts with which they are promoted.
Retail Sales Growth Accelerating
The one major sector clearly lagging in our current economy is the Single-Family Home sector. The NAHB Housing Market Index was reported today at 58.
IEA Flops On Oil Price Prediction
The IEA is good for one thing only, compiling data... their predictive skills ought be ignored.
Feb. Houston Housing Market... Average Price And Sales Both Up
The “crash” many have predicted for so long won’t come with supply <6mos. Builders are also not building homes on spec as they did in the past so one has to have serious doubts that it ever gets there…
Mr. Market’s Psychology Shifts... He’s Been As Irrational As Ever
Market psychology does not make sense. It can be so against common sense that it causes investors to question their sanity.
Economic Data Still In Uptrend
It has been as usual a busy week for economic reports. Multiple analysts have called for a collapsing economy citing weak hourly wage growth, weak retail sales, weak personal income growth.
Our Economy In Inherently Deflationary
Recent economic history leads me to conclude that inflation comes from government spending where there is no intellectual value(improvement in standard of living) to society.
Insider Buying & S&P Intrinsic Value
Corporate insiders in general have a better sense of when their share prices are undervalued relative to future business prospects. Current markets are a buying opportunity. (Video Length: 00:03:07 )
The Market And The Economy Diverge
It is impossible to predict when or what direction market psychology will take. One can see it happening, but not predict it. One has to invest through it using economics. Time to be very bullish. Lots of good news.
Housing, Employment & Chemical Index Point To Continued Expansion
All signs point to continued economic expansion. It is my recommendation that investors take advantage of the current turmoil and add to equities.
Housing Starts Reaction Indicative Of Negative Mood
U.S. housing starts and permits fell in December after hefty gains the prior month, adding to a raft of weak data that have raised concerns over the health of the economy.
Davidson And Cooperman On The Market
Ignore the negatives and buy energy and other Value type stocks. Yes, ignore the FANG stocks as they are over-priced and have traded much higher than they deserved based on fundamentals simply because they have received so much media support.
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