Todd Sullivan | TalkMarkets | Page 2
Hedge Fund Manager, Owner of ValuePlays and Angel Investor
Contributor's Links: ValuePlays Rand Strategic Partners
Todd Sullivan is a Massachusetts-based value investor and a General Partner in Rand Strategic Partners. He looks for investments he believes are selling for a discount to their intrinsic value given their current situation and future prospects. ...more

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Real Personal Income Rises
Real Personal Income continues to rise boosted slightly by prior months' revisions higher. Looking at the current trend, it matches the trend pre-COVID.
10yr/Mortgage Ratio Implies Market Rise Coming
Looking at the long-term relationship between the 10yr Treasury vs 30yr Mortgage rates which are generally considered in lockstep, shows they tend to track closely with Mtg rates on average 1.75% higher.
The Turn Is Coming
The 10yr minus 3-month Treasury rate, called the Yield Curve, is moving higher at a rapid pace as investors adjust their inflation thinking to being more persistent in the 3%-4% range.
SPR At 40yr Low, Purchases Cancelled, Iran Attacks Israel, What Could Go Wrong?
The Biden administration has a target to buy oil at $79 or lower to refill the reserve, though spent an average of about $81 a barrel in its latest purchase of 2.8 million barrels late last month.
Everyone Expecting Rate Cuts; Are They Necessary?
Every firm is expecting rate cuts anticipating a recession but there is no recession in sight.
PMI Ruling Sentiment
The PMI from the Institute of Supply Management seems to rule the roost of investor psychology.
Recession? Not Today, But…
Watch credit card companies, once they start pulling back on credit, the “R Word” comes into play.
Oil Situation Stable… Despite The Headlines
This week’s data continues to reflect a stable crude supply trend.
Construction Spending Still Rising
It is hard to have a recession of any significance with this number continually rising
Employment Data Contradicts Itself
The establishment Survey rises 275,000, while the Household Survey declines by -184,000.
Real Personal Income Continues Uptrend
Real Personal Income continues to rise. This correlates well with rising employment, rising retail sales, rising manufacturing, rising construction, and other base “hard count” rising economic measures.
LEI Falls Further
The Leading Economic Index provides an early indication of significant turning points in the business cycle and where the economy is heading in the near term.
Durable Goods Orders Holding
New Orders for Durable Goods continue to hold at high levels.
Consumer Credit Defaults Remain Low
The history of delinquency rates indicates that consumer more than business financial stress is the key to anticipating recessions.
Construction Spending Rising
Construction Spending posted a new high in Dec. Total Construction Spending and three components, Residential, Public, and Manufacturing remain either at record levels or posted new highs.
Employment Continues To Rise - Thursday, Feb. 8
Employment increased much more than expectations of 170,000 for the Establishment Survey.
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