John Thomas | TalkMarkets | Page 13
Hedge Fund Executive
Contributor's Links: Mad Hedge Fund Trader
John Thomas graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry with honors and a minor in mathematics from the University of California at Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.) in 1974. He moved to Tokyo, Japan where he was employed by a medium-sized Japanese securities house. Thomas became fluent in ...more

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Ten Stocks To Buy At The Bottom
Suddenly, the consolidation turned into a correction and maybe even a bear market. A crucial part of trading a crash is knowing what to do at the bottom.
How To Trade A Crash
I have a feeling that you are going to really need to know how to trade a crash.
Short Selling School 101
With the stock market falling for the next few weeks, or even months, it’s time to rehash how to profit from falling markets one more time. There is nothing worse than closing the barn door after the horses have bolted.
A Strategy Change
The truly brilliant aspect to the option spread strategy that I have been using for the past four years was that the positions had an embedded short volatility aspect to them.
It’s Time To Pick Up Some Gold
I have not done a gold trade in yonks. That’s because it has been the asset class from hell for the past five years, dropping some 46% from its 2011 $1,927 high. However, we are now in a brave new, and scarier world.
The Death Of Retail
The Wal-Mart downsizing is only the latest evidence of a major change in the global economy that has been evolving over the last two decades.
The Game Changer For Solar
With great fanfare, congress passed a blockbuster $1.8 trillion spending bill in December.
Saudi Arabia’s Secret Plan For Global Prosperity
Since Saudi Arabia began its war for market share 18 months ago, $40 West Texas Intermediate is 72% off its 2014 high, and 80% down from the 2011 all time high.
The 1% And The Bond Market
With the bond market confounding forecasters and prognosticators once again, I thought I delve into one of the more mysterious reasons why the bond market keeps going from strength to strength.
Why I Doubled My Shorts Yesterday
I did not buy the rally in stocks this week for two seconds. Once the S&P 500 (SPY) bounced off of the $190 level the first time, it was only a question of how soon to sell again. When I said “Sell every rally in stocks this year,” I wasn’t kidding.
Three Cheers For Germany
German GDP growth recently and unexpectedly surged, from a 0.3% to a +1.5% annual rate. Some of this is no doubt due to the European Central Bank’s newly aggressive policy of monetary easing.
How To Trade The Friday Options Expiration
We currently have two options positions that are deep in the money, and I just want to explain to the newbies how to best maximize their profits going into tomorrow’s January options expiration.
The American Onshoring Trend Is Accelerating
Onshoring, the return of US manufacturing from abroad, is rapidly gathering pace. Get onshoring right and all of a sudden sector selection and rotation will become a piece of cake.
The “Black Swan” Solution To Our Energy Problems
I firmly believe that simple solutions to our energy problems are in the process of coming out of the blue, and are something no one is thinking about now.
Why We Are All Now Oil Traders
The world is currently consuming about 92 million barrels a day of Texas tea, or 33.6 billion barrels a year. Buy a barrel of crude, and you get three for free!
Why This Is Not A Bear Market
Thank goodness for small mercies. Going into the New Year with 100% cash was the best decision I made in 2015. It is allowing me to use the current melt down to cherry pick the best trades out there.
193 to 208 of 214 Posts
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