John Thomas | TalkMarkets | Page 11
Hedge Fund Executive
Contributor's Links: Mad Hedge Fund Trader
John Thomas graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry with honors and a minor in mathematics from the University of California at Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.) in 1974. He moved to Tokyo, Japan where he was employed by a medium-sized Japanese securities house. Thomas became fluent in ...more

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Ten Reasons Why Stocks Bounced Back So Hard
Despite market volatility doubling, multinationals getting crushed by the weak euro, and the Federal Reserve now on a rate rising path, here we are with the major stock indexes just short of all time highs.
The Bull Market In Gold Is Only Just Starting
Slowing global growth, the prospect of more sudden Yuan devaluations, and rising energy debt defaults in the US have all made gold sparkle more brightly than ever.
Catching Up With Warren Buffett
One of my favorite research pieces to read every year is Warren Buffett’s annual letter to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway. It paints an excellent broad-brush picture of the US economy, it is also witty, funny, and downright educational.
Super Mario Delivers... And Then He Doesn’t
European Central Bank (ECB) president Mario Draghi bet the ranch that an aggressive round of quantitative easing would crash the Euro (FXE), (EUO) against the dollar and rescue the continental economy.
Nine Reasons Why Volatility Is So High
After years of complacency, The Volatility Index (VIX) has spiked over $50 once and $30 on three separate occasions during the last several months. What gives?
So, What Happens Next?
Iron ore rocketed by 20%. Iron ore never rockets by 20%. A big daily move for the rusty metal is usually 1%. To see a 20% move means that something weird is going on.
February Nonfarm Payroll Roasts The Shorts
I was expecting a strong, 200K plus print for the February nonfarm payroll report from the Department of Labor on early Friday morning. But 242,000? It boggles the mind.
Gaming The Market With Momentum Stocks
Hardly a day goes by without a reader asking me which indicators I follow when determining my impeccable market timing. There is one in particular that is worth mentioning today. That would be the performance of momentum stocks.
Will “Brexit” Cause The Next Recession?
Economists around the world have been scanning the horizon with their high powered Zeiss binoculars in search of the cause of the next global recession. We may have just found the trigger.
What Is The CNN Fear & Greed Index?
Ever seeking new market directional guidance, I have taken a close look at quite a few indexes, momentum indicators, and barometers .I have lately been having quite a lot of fun following the CNN Fear & Greed Index. You know what? It’s pretty good!
It’s Safe To Sell Short The Yen Again
I think we are at the tag end of the recent unbelievable bout of yen strength. Triggered by the Bank of Japan’s shocking move to negative interest rates (NIRP), it has been driven by a massive unwind of hedge fund positions.
What Happens When QE Fails?
What tools will central banks have when we go into the next recession with interest rates already at zero, or negative? Will the Fed run out of bullets and be powerless to help us out of our misery?
Was That A Bottom In Commodities?
There is no a trader alive who won’t fall down on his knees and thank the heavens he didn’t get involved in commodities last year.
Where Driverless Cars Will Take Us
We'll have driverless cars in five years, but I have friends who run Tesla (TSLA) who already have them now. And you know the interesting thing they discovered? After a year of beta testing, the cars are starting to develop their own personalities.
How Low Will Biotech Go?
No less a figure than Federal Reserve governor Janet Yellen has indicated then that she thought valuations in the biotech sector were getting “substantially stretched.” The Fed doesn’t single out stocks for commentary very often.
How The Rest Of 2016 Will Play Out
The future direction of every asset class for the balance of 2016 is as clear as the view from my mountaintop aerie today.
161 to 176 of 214 Posts
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