John Thomas | TalkMarkets | Page 10
Hedge Fund Executive
Contributor's Links: Mad Hedge Fund Trader
John Thomas graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry with honors and a minor in mathematics from the University of California at Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.) in 1974. He moved to Tokyo, Japan where he was employed by a medium-sized Japanese securities house. Thomas became fluent in ...more

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Don’t Be Short China Here
Since the top, the earnings multiple of Chinese companies have plunged, from 35 times to a mere 15 times. This means that the 6% a year growing economy (China) is trading at a lower multiple than the 2% a year growing one (the US).
Seeing Red Flags Everywhere
Observing the disjointed market action over the past few days, that queasy feeling that I was about to be shot down in flames has returned. Let me list the red flags I am seeing for this market.
Guess Who’s Been Buying Gold?
Gold bugs, conspiracy theorists, and perma bears had some unfamiliar company last year. While traders, individuals, and ETF’s have been unloading gold for the past five years, central banks have been steady buyers.
Revisiting The Big Picture On The Economy
I think the GDP figures are inaccurate because they are too heavily focused on antiquated measures of the US economy, understating the true growth rate.
The Portfolio That Will Double In Three Years
Below, I have listed a portfolio of ten stocks that will almost certainly double in three years. If I am wrong, it will gain 100% in only two years. But there is a catch.
Goodbye The Quarter From Hell
It was the worst quarter in hedge fund history. Bodies will be washing up on the beach for months. Back-to-back we saw both the worst start to a year in stock market history, followed by the sharpest rally.
The Yellen Put Option Lives!
Monetary hawks hoping for an acceleration of the Federal Reserve's interest rate policy had their hopes sorely dashed today. Chairman Janet Yellen’s speech could not have been more dovish if it had been written by the most extreme deflationista.
How Tesla Takes Over The World On Thursday
I stopped by Tesla’s Fremont, California factory last week to test drive my new high performance Model X SUV and noticed something interesting. There was major new construction under way in the customer delivery area.
Why I Love/Hate The Oil Companies
The first thing I do when I get up every morning is to curse the oil companies as blood sucking scourges of modern civilization. I then fall down on my knees and thank God that we have the oil companies.
Cyber Security Is Only Just Getting Started
It looks like the cyber security sector is about to take off like a rocket once again. There could be another 25%-50% in it this year.
Stock Picks For A Trump Win In November
What would a Trump win in November mean for your portfolio? I had a lot of fun with this one. I spoke to more than a dozen investors, all Republicans, and the responses I received were as varied as they were interesting.
Taking Profits On Our Short Russell 2000 Put Spread
I am going to use the Brussels terrorist attack to take a quickie profit on our position in the Russell 2000 iShares ETF (IWM) April, 2016 $112-$117 in-the-money vertical bear put spread.
The Hard Numbers Behind Selling In May
Since 2000, the Dow has managed a feeble return of only 4%, while the long winter/short summer strategy generated a stunning 64%.
Taking Profits On Our Short Yen Put Spread
Our position in the Currency Shares Japanese Yen Trust (FXY) March, 2016 $89-$92 in-the-money vertical bear put spread expired over the weekend at its maximum potential profit point.
The Death Of The Hedge Fund
Without question, this has been the quarter from hell for the hedge fund industry. It hasn’t helped that the big cap S&P 500 Index (SPY), has cratered by 14% and then rocketed by 14% three times in the last 18 months, with NO net movement overall.
Question And Answer Period
Her action was as certain as it was swift. Federal Reserve chairman Janet Yellen suddenly ratcheted down interest rate expectations from four-quarter point rises to only one in 2016. And that one rate rise may not come until December.
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