Why I Love/Hate The Oil Companies

The first thing I do when I get up every morning is to curse the oil companies as blood sucking scourges of modern civilization.

I then fall down on my knees and thank God that we have the oil companies.

This is why petroleum engineers are getting $100,000 straight out of college, while English and political science major are going straight on to food stamps.

I recommend (XOM) and other oil majors as part of any long-term portfolio. In my lifetime, the price of oil has gone up from $3 a barrel up to $149.

The reasons for the ascent keep growing, from the entry of China into the global trading system, to the rapid growth of the middle class in emerging nations.  They’re just not making the stuff anymore, and we can’t wait around for more dinosaurs to get squashed.

Big oil companies aren’t in the oil speculation business. As soon as a new supply comes on stream, they hedge off their risk through the futures markets or through long-term supply contracts. You can find the prices they hedge at in the back of any annual report.

This is why the oil crash barely caused the shares of oil majors to move. Exxon Mobil shares are now down only 15%, while its principal product is off by an astounding 80% from its 2011 top.

When oil made its big run to $149 a few years ago, I discovered to my amazement that (XOM) had already sold most of their supplies in the $20 range. However, oil companies do make huge killings on what is already in the pipeline.

Working in the oil patch 15 years ago pioneering the “fracking” process for natural gas, I got to know many people in the industry. I found them to be insular, God fearing people not afraid of hard work.

Perhaps this is because the black gold they are pursuing can blow up and kill them at any time. They are also great with numbers, which is why the oil majors are the best-managed companies in the world.

They are also huge gamblers. I swallow hard when I see the way these guys throw around billions in capital, keeping in mind past disasters, like Dome Petroleum, the Alaskan Pipeline oil spill, Piper Alpha, and more recently, the ill-fated Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico.

But one failure does not slow them down an iota. The “wildcatting” origins made this a faith-based industry from day one, when praying and dousing wands were the principal determinants of where wells were sunk.

Unfortunately, the oil companies are too good at their job of supplying us with a steady and reliable source of energy. They have one of the oldest and most powerful lobbies in Washington, and as a result, the tax code is riddled with favorite treatment of the oil industry.

While Social Security and Medicare are on the chopping block, the industry basks in the glow of $53 billion a year in tax subsidies.

When I first got into the oil business and sat down with a Houston CPA, the tax breaks were so legion that I couldn’t understand why anyone was not in the oil racket.

Ever wonder why we have had three presidents from Texas over the last 50 years, and are possibly looking at a fourth (Jeb Bush, Rick Perry)?

Three words explain it all: the oil depletion allowance, whereby investors can write off the entire cost of a new well in the first year, while the income is spread over the life of the well.

This also explains why deep-water exploration in the Gulf is far less regulated than California hairdressers.

No surprise then that the industry has emerged in the cross hairs of several presidential candidates, under the “loopholes” category. Not only do the country’s most profitable companies pay almost nothing in taxes, they are one of the largest users of private jets.

It is an old Washington nostrum that when things start heading south on the domestic front, you beat up the oil companies. It’s the industry that everyone loves to hate.

Cut off the gasoline supply to an environmentalist, and he will be the one who screams the loudest. This has generated recurring cycles of accusatory congressional investigations, windfall profits taxes, and punitive regulations, the most recent flavor we are now seeing.

But imagine what the world would look like if Exxon and its cohorts were German, Saudi, or heaven forbid, Chinese. I bet we wouldn’t have as much oil as we do today, and it wouldn’t be as cheap.

Hate them if you will, but at least these are our oil companies. Try jamming a lump of coal into the gas tank of your Prius and tell me how far you go.

Well, that’s enough ranting for today.

$WTIC 4-15-15






Love Them, Hate Them or Both?

Disclosures: The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader, ...

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Gary Anderson 8 years ago Contributor's comment

One of the reasons JFK did not live a long life was that he wanted to cut back oil subsidies. That could have affected Texas in a big way. And since my uncle worked as an executive for a major oil company in California, I know that margins are pretty thin as to profits, and those subsidies let oil company executives sleep better at night. I think they think they are farmers!! But they aren't. I don't hate most oil companies, although Condi Rice had an oil tanker named after her at Chevron, prior to her appointment as one of the chief architects of the evil Iraq War. I just don't like Texas politics at all. They are mean at heart.

Gary Anderson 8 years ago Contributor's comment

On the other hand, I view the push to self driving electric cars to be a greater threat to personal freedom than the internal combustion engine.

Joe Economy 8 years ago Member's comment

A threat to personal freedom, how so?

Gary Anderson 8 years ago Contributor's comment

Tesla owner Musk has said twice now that manually driven cars will be outlawed once self driving cars are perfected.

Joe Economy 8 years ago Member's comment

You think Musk is right about that? I doubt they will be outlawed so soon but tax incentives and discounts may make it not economically worthwhile to buy and drive gas cars.

Gary Anderson 8 years ago Contributor's comment

I think Musk is an evil globalist, futurist and maybe eugenicist. You really want his type dictating what Americans can and cannot do, Joe?

Joe Economy 8 years ago Member's comment

I believe that even the giant oil companies such as Exxon will eventually feel the effect of cheap oil. While temporarily they can stockpile vast amounts of oil so as not to sell at low prices, eventually it will not be economically viable to keep doing so. Storing oil in tankers out at sea costs money and has its own risks. If oil prices stay low for extended period of time (years) I think we will see the stock prices also come down as a knock-on effect; its just a matter of time. The oil refineries who benefit from cheap oil to refine it into petroleum and other products are loving the low oil prices and will continue to see their revenues roll in. That is the place to sink your money, Warrren agrees with me too :>