James Picerno | TalkMarkets | Page 83
Editor at The ETF Asset Class Performance Review
Contributor's Links: The Capital Spectator
James Picerno is a veteran financial journalist and has been writing about portfolio strategies, investment products, and macroeconomics since the early 1990s at Bloomberg, Dow Jones and other media groups before becoming an independent writer/analyst/consultant in 2008. He’s currently ...more

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Risk Premia Forecasts: Major Asset Classes - August 2, 2019
The Global Market Index’s risk premium is expected to earn an annualized 4.8%, based on revised data through July. Today’s update is unchanged from last month’s analysis.
Macro Briefing - August 2, 2019
A roundup of the articles you need to read the most, today, August 2nd 2019.
Major Asset Classes Performance Review - July 2019
US equities continued to lead the major asset classes in July.
The Bond Market Embraces Nirvana
This year’s red-hot bond-market rally looks set for a new burst of bullish support if the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates today, which is widely expected.
Low Inflation Will Likely Convince The Fed To Cut Rates
The Federal Reserve is widely expected to trim interest rates tomorrow, and the prospect of low and possibly lower inflation in the months ahead is a key factor.
US Stocks Rebounded Last Week, Topping Global Market Returns
Equities in the US regained their mojo last week, posting the strongest gain among the major asset classes, based on a set of exchange-traded funds.
Consumer Spending Surged In Q2, But Economic Growth Still Eased
The economy grew 2.1% in the second quarter, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reports. Although that marks a hefty slowdown from Q1’s 3.1% increase, the Q2 advance is a bit stronger than expected.
It’s (Still) Tough To Beat Mr. Market
If you keep banging your head against the wall, presumably a lesson or two will creep into your cracked skull. But if those lessons are related to investing, the crowd suffers from a recurring and long-running bout of attention deficit disorder.
Will Weak Housing And Manufacturing Sectors Lead To Recession?
This year’s slowdown in US economic growth has been accompanied by stronger headwinds in manufacturing and housing.
Eastern Europe/Russia And US Still Lead World Equity Markets
This year’s rally in stocks has left no major region of the world untouched by animal spirits.
US Growth On Track To Slow In This Week’s Q2 Report
GDP is projected to rise 1.9% in Q2, based on the median for several nowcasts.
Foreign Bonds Were Last Week’s Leaders As Commodities Plunged
Bonds in emerging and non-US developed markets topped last week’s performance profile for the major asset classes, based on a set of exchange-traded funds.
Tech Stocks Continue To Dominate This Year’s US Market Rally
In a year when every corner of the US stock market is rising, it’s no mean feat to leave the crowd in the dust.
US Business Cycle Risk Report - Thursday, July 18
Economic growth in the US has decelerated in recent months and there are new signs in today’s update that the macro trend is at risk of continuing to lose speed (gradually) in the months ahead.
Fed Chair Powell Vows To Support The US Expansion
Powell vowed to “act as appropriate” to keep growth alive, signaling that a rate cut is a possibility at the July 31 monetary policy meeting.
Is Manufacturing’s Potency Fading For US Business Cycle Analysis?
There are no silver bullets in the search for early warnings of economic recession, but manufacturing activity has long been on the shortlist of key variables to watch.
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