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David A. Stockman is the ultimate Washington insider turned iconoclast. He began his career in Washington as a young man and quickly rose through the ranks of the Republican Party to become the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White ...more


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The Albatross Of Debt: The Stock Market's $67 Trillion Nightmare, Part 2
What drove the US economy for the past three decades was debt expansion----private and public--- at rates far faster than GDP growth.
The Albatross Of Debt: The Stock Market's $67 Trillion Nightmare
The US Treasury this very week will be selling $258 billion of government debt.
This Time Is Completely Different - But Not In A Good Way!
If you don't think the stock market is a giant accident waiting to happen, just consider the two most crucial developments----soaring stocks and soaring deficits--- since November 7, 2016.
Swan Song Of The Central Bankers, Part 5: The Flat Line Does Not Spell Recovery
The punk January industrial production (IP) report brought another reminder that the Fed has stimulated nothing at all on the output/employment prong of its dual mandate.
Swan Song Of The Central Bankers, Part 4: The Folly Of 2.00% Inflation Targeting
The dirty secret of Keynesian central banking is that under current circumstances its interventions have almost no impact on its famous dual mandate----stable prices and full employment on main street.
Swan Song Of The Central Bankers, Part 3: The Goldilocks Economy Delusion
Today, January's in-coming data brought a 6.7% annualized CPI rate and a negative 3.1% annualized retail sales print.
Swan Song Of The Central Bankers, Part 2: Yellen's "My Girl"
If you wonder why things are going to get a lot worse before they get better---just consider the following tidbit from today's political gleanings.
Swan Song Of The Central Bankers, Part 1: Last Week Wasn't An Error
These close-coupled massacres which wiped out $4 trillion of global market cap in two days, marked the beginning of a bear market that will be generational, not a temporary cyclical downleg.
Consumer Savings Headed Toward The Zero-Bound
Chart of the day.
The Night Of Fiscal Infamy
We have crossed the fiscal Rubicon, and not merely because Congress passed a $400 billion budget-buster in the wee hours of the morning rather than abide a government shutdown beyond sunrise.
Here Comes The Yield Shock - The Beltway Borrowers Are Going Berserk
The US economy is still bumping along the flaccid trajectory of the weakest recovery in modern history; and with each passing month, it gets closer to its sell-by date.
Bottom's In - Not!
This tsunami of false liquidity and the accompanying price-keeping operations did drastically suppress interest rates and fuel rampant free-money carry trades.
Good Riddance, Janet, You Were A Colossal Failure
During Janet Yellen's last week in office, the Dow dropped by 1,095 points or 4.1%. But by her lights, apparently, that wasn't even a warning bell.
Run, Don't Walk! This Casino's Going To Blow
Yesterday afternoon brought three salient statements from Washington financial authorities that boil down to a simple admonition. To wit, if you are still in the Wall Street casino, run don't walk toward the nearest emergency exit.
The Donald's Delusional SOTU
Real growth actually decelerated slightly during Trump's first year on the job.
Now Comes The Boondoggle - Why Infrastructure Won't MAGA
America's economy is faltering not from too little infrastructure spending, but from too much debt - $67 trillion of total public and private debt, to be exact.
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