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The Old And The New, FTEK And Gulp… GOGO
Article By: Gary Tanashian
Thursday, February 27, 2014 2:56 PM EDT
After yesterday’s overly serious mental exploration into the markets it is time to lighten up again. After all, the most fun I have is in taking a break from the macro with stuff like this. So even dour and droning bearish bloggers get to have fun. At least this one does.
In this article: FTEK
Best And Worst Mid Caps
Article By: E.B. Capital Markets
Thursday, February 27, 2014 12:07 PM EDT
Our weekly best and worst reports show you stocks with the best potential returns over the coming 6 to 12 months. Industrial goods are top scoring across mid cap this week. The best mid cap industry is residential construction.
Finally A Good And Bearish Stock Market Headline
Article By: Gary Tanashian
Thursday, February 27, 2014 11:06 AM EDT
This morning MarketWatch has a headline that can neuter the bullish effects of the Analog and its brethren that have littered the media at the slightest hint of trouble in the stock market.
In this article: SPX
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Phaeton Descending
Article By: Jesse's Cafe Americain
Thursday, February 27, 2014 5:03 AM EDT
Some gold was finally taken off the deliverable inventory at the Comex yesterday. See how they run.
In this article: GLD, SLV
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Ghosts Of Bubbles Past
Article By: Jesse's Cafe Americain
Thursday, February 27, 2014 4:11 AM EDT
The New Homes Sales number came in much higher than expected this morning, and so stocks reversed from their initial slump. They rose to challenge the overhead resistance once again, only to fall back down in the afternoon.
In this article: VIX
Daily Market Commentary: Nasdaq Breadth Strengthens
Article By: Declan Fallon
Thursday, February 27, 2014 4:04 AM EDT
Very little change in the markets, but there was a net bullish turn in technicals for Nasdaq breadth metrics. The Nasdaq Summation Index is in a clear advance and is on course to reach an overbought state.
In this article: SPX
Today's 5 Best Large Caps
Article By: Jim Van Meerten
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 5:05 PM EDT
Today's list includes Xylem Inc (XYL), LyondellBasell Industries (LYB),Forest Laboratories (FRX), PPL Corp (PPL), and Hershey Foods (HSY).
In this article: FRX, HSY, LYB, PPL, XYL
Uranium Continues Upward
Article By: Gary Tanashian
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 10:02 AM EDT
Sensible portfolio management demands that when a position grows out of balance with other positions it is time to trim it back into balance.
In this article: URA, URG
An Odd Ripple In Nikkei And Yen Correlation
Article By: Gary Tanashian
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 7:44 AM EDT
Over in the Land of the Sinking Currency the Nikkei popped above resistance yesterday while its whipping boy in the mirror, Johnny Yen, also showed strength and held support.
Inflation Fears? TIP-TLT Says Not Yet
Article By: Gary Tanashian
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 5:36 AM EDT
The economy and the stock market depend on inflation. Get serious giddy stock bulls, they inflate, you make money. They fail to inflate and the tide turns deflationary, your gains go poof, money heaven.
In this article: GLD, TIP, TLT, SPX
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Comex Option Expiration - Far From Any Road
Article By: Jesse's Cafe Americain
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 4:27 AM EDT
There was very little movement in the Comex gold warehouses yesterday. Gold was a little stronger than silver today, but both settled back close to evens at the close.
In this article: GLD, SLV
Palladium Gold Ratio Still Declining
Article By: Gary Tanashian
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 4:21 AM EDT
This ratio is not a friend to the economy nor the financial markets when it is in decline. We have been following the Palladium Gold Ratio for over a year in NFTRH, first to gauge the coming of an economic bounce (check) and now the coming of its end (potentially in process).
In this article: PALL, GLD
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Just Another Day In The Hood With The Hoods
Article By: Jesse's Cafe Americain
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 3:48 AM EDT
There was a lot of back and forth around key resistance today. I suspect that the wiseguys are waiting for some additional punters to take positions before they flip the switch, unless something untoward happens in the great world of reality.
In this article: NDX, VIX
Daily Market Commentary: Narrow Losses.
Article By: Declan Fallon
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 3:39 AM EDT
Certainly bears didn't get much out of today, despite the losses. Volume was down, another indication of the lack of interest from sellers (and buyers to a lesser extent).
In this article: SPX
Price Erosion Of 3x Leveraged Natural Gas ETFs
Article By: Chris Vermeulen
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 1:21 PM EDT
Here is a perfect example showing how 3x leveraged ETF funds can lose value over a short period of time while the underlying investment is deep in our favor by 5% and should have our ETF in our favor by 15%).
In this article: DGAZ
Uranium, U Got To Love It
Article By: Gary Tanashian
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 1:06 PM EDT
Here is a chart that has caused me little worry since it was originally highlighted in NFTRH and bought (and traded a few times) late last year, the Global X Uranium ETF.
In this article: URA, NXE
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