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PayPal: Up And Away
Jared Green 2/4/2016 6:10:07 PM

Hi @[Chris Lau](user:15438), I believe @[Joe Economy](user:5642) means that $AAPL and $GOOG have their own mobile pay systems which compete with Paypal (Apple Pay and Google Wallet). I don't think he was referring to the phone's operating system, though he can correct me if I'm wrong.

S&P 500 And Nasdaq 100 Forecast - January 20, 2016
Craig Newman 1/28/2016 6:38:50 PM

I respect the charts but on $SPY I saw the T-30 pattern clear as day. $AAPL $FB & $NFLX especially followed.

2016 Big V Trade Plan
Peter Craig 1/12/2016 7:50:21 PM

Nice video, but there's no way $AAPL won't surge after earnings. Crazy low expectations with BLOW out earnings and guidance + HUGE buyback after ER.

Why Facebook Is Looking Less And Less Appealing
Dick Kaplan 9/8/2015 10:22:24 PM

An opinion piece. The author is under the assumption $FB Maxed out. They have been doing the same thing to $AAPL, waiting for it to fall.

How's That Apple Post Earnings Buy And Hold Strategy Working For You?
Mark Walla 5/7/2015 7:19:08 PM

$AAPL is working great as buy and hold, trading $AAPL is a crap shoot, but longs win with patience.

Apple: Buy Adobe, Not Tesla
Duke Peters 3/1/2015 3:29:00 AM

Just an observation, but why doesn't $AAPL buy $DIS, $BBRY, $CALL and/or private company's Soundhound and Soundcloud? This way they have content, enterprise, and social/mobile with money to spare!

Calacanis: Apple Inc. To Buy Tesla For $75 Billion In 18 Months?
Stock Fan 2/18/2015 1:48:19 AM

Why? don't you think $AAPL would rather have its stuff in every high end car manufactured on the globe? Why limit to $TSLA?

Calacanis: Apple Inc. To Buy Tesla For $75 Billion In 18 Months?
Bruce Powers 2/17/2015 3:48:51 PM

No, they are not. Why buy a car company that loses money on each car they sell? That is not how $AAPL roles.

Apple Takes The Lead In Supplier Responsibility, Accountability
Nick Punwani 11/4/2014 8:56:57 PM

Great read. Totally agree, this sets a precedent for future $AAPL suppliers... and investors of those companies.

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