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Did Buffett Just Bet Against The US? Berkshire Buys Barrick Gold, Dumps Goldman
Harry Goldstein 8/16/2020 12:28:41 PM

#Buffett didn't bet against US..... Buffett holds most of his $$ in $AAPL and another $50 BILLION in Financials.

Yet his tiny $ buy in GOLD has everyone thinking he is long GOLD and not real assets. Its a dumb $$ hedge in the $GLD world. EVERYONE has a gold hedge, whoopie shit.

He bought more of his own damn shares BACK!!! $BRK.A

Did Buffett Just Bet Against The US? Berkshire Buys Barrick Gold, Dumps Goldman
Daniel Charles 8/16/2020 11:37:44 AM

"You can bet on Amer­ica, but you are go­ing to have to be care­ful on how you bet. Sim­ply be­cause mar­kets can do any­thing,” he said.


Fortnite is Gone
Danny Straus 8/14/2020 3:37:04 PM

Yes, that is an important distinction. I'll give @[Shelly Palmer](user:4838) another example to further that argument. I used to work at on online store and we also sold items on #eBay and #Amazon to get access to their millions of customers, just as app maker sell their apps on #Apple and Google's app stores. But we charged a little more on Amazon/eBay to cover the higher fees. Customers knew they could always buy them directly at our site for a bit less.

But Amazon and Ebay never said we were forbidden to sell items for less on our own site. That would be completely unfair in my mind. And it seems like there is some collusion between Apple and Google if this is their policy.


Apple Launches Unprecedented Second Bond Offering To Fund Billions In Buyback: How Much Will The Fed Buy
Bruce Powers 8/13/2020 11:43:25 PM

I wonder how much #Fortnite's lawsuit against #Apple will negatively impact $AAPL.

5 Best Large Caps
Bill Johnson 8/4/2020 8:43:12 PM

Why the sarcasm Carol? $AMD, $DXCM, $AAPL, $NVDA, $PYPL are all great buys and look good even in these uncertain times. I appreciate the time and effort the author put into sharing this information with us.

Stocks Rebound Sharply
William K. 7/20/2020 11:03:04 AM

#Tesla does so well because #ElonMusk is a great salesman, no question there. Also, they do have an exciting product. #Apple does so well because it is not #Microsoft. Microsoft does OK because they eat all competitors, NOT because of any product quality. And certainly an investment organization that avoids running by emotions and crowd following can do better than many others.

What the future holds is uncertain, given that the Fed has not been doing the right things to protect the majority of folks. Supporting inflationary actions will eventually result in there being some serious inflation, and creating huge amounts of debt that, in theory at least, must eventually be paid off, is not a good long-term choice. It would be appropriate to demand an explanation of how that is anticipated to play out in the future. I doubt that the answer would make any sense at all. $TSLA $AAPL $MSFT

What Traders Expect From Apple's Earnings
Terry Caruso 6/24/2020 1:50:53 AM

How do you think the pandemic will impact #Apple? $AAPL?

How Comparable Is Tesla Of Today To Apple 20 Years Ago
Craig Newman 5/24/2020 12:06:09 PM

Don't agree about $TSLA. Did $AAPL also raise and lose all $18 bil it did in secondaries the previous decade?

Yeah right, #Apple and #Tesla are totally similar.

The Stock Market’s Heartless Optimism
Carol W 5/1/2020 7:11:34 AM

"If earnings come in as expected next year – admittedly still a big “if” since revisions continue to be down – stocks are cheap. " Revised? They're all PULLING guidance, As for cheap you must be talking about the garbage energy stocks you own. "$ZM $MSFT $NFLX and $AAPL are NOT cheap.

Tech Stocks as a "Safe Haven"?
John D. Singleton 2/19/2020 10:38:45 AM

I would think you would need to differentiate between purely digital tech companies - for example software companies like $FB and $CRM, and product based tech companies like $AAPL. The latter is going to take a major hit due to disruptions in supply from the #coronavirus outbreak.

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