Tim Cook called the FBI order "chilling." It's total BS. Companies like Apple $AAPL and Google $GOOGL collect so much information about us it is scary. The power they wield is... well that's what is chilling. The FBI is trying to stop terrorists and safeguards lives. Apple should have complied, not try to embarrass the FBI.
Hi @[Chris Lau](user:15438), I believe @[Joe Economy](user:5642) means that $AAPL and $GOOG have their own mobile pay systems which compete with Paypal (Apple Pay and Google Wallet). I don't think he was referring to the phone's operating system, though he can correct me if I'm wrong.
Just an observation, but why doesn't $AAPL buy $DIS, $BBRY, $CALL and/or private company's Soundhound and Soundcloud? This way they have content, enterprise, and social/mobile with money to spare!
Apple Vs. The FBI Vs. A Suggestion
Tim Cook called the FBI order "chilling." It's total BS. Companies like Apple $AAPL and Google $GOOGL collect so much information about us it is scary. The power they wield is... well that's what is chilling. The FBI is trying to stop terrorists and safeguards lives. Apple should have complied, not try to embarrass the FBI.
PayPal: Up And Away
Hi @[Chris Lau](user:15438), I believe @[Joe Economy](user:5642) means that $AAPL and $GOOG have their own mobile pay systems which compete with Paypal (Apple Pay and Google Wallet). I don't think he was referring to the phone's operating system, though he can correct me if I'm wrong.
S&P 500 And Nasdaq 100 Forecast - January 20, 2016
I respect the charts but on $SPY I saw the T-30 pattern clear as day. $AAPL $FB & $NFLX especially followed.
2016 Big V Trade Plan
Nice video, but there's no way $AAPL won't surge after earnings. Crazy low expectations with BLOW out earnings and guidance + HUGE buyback after ER.
Why Facebook Is Looking Less And Less Appealing
An opinion piece. The author is under the assumption $FB Maxed out. They have been doing the same thing to $AAPL, waiting for it to fall.
AAPL Is No Longer The "Most Important Stock": Presenting The Top 50 Hedge Fund Longs And Shorts
Makes sense but you gotta still love $AAPL
How's That Apple Post Earnings Buy And Hold Strategy Working For You?
$AAPL is working great as buy and hold, trading $AAPL is a crap shoot, but longs win with patience.
Apple: Buy Adobe, Not Tesla
Just an observation, but why doesn't $AAPL buy $DIS, $BBRY, $CALL and/or private company's Soundhound and Soundcloud? This way they have content, enterprise, and social/mobile with money to spare!
Calacanis: Apple Inc. To Buy Tesla For $75 Billion In 18 Months?
Why? don't you think $AAPL would rather have its stuff in every high end car manufactured on the globe? Why limit to $TSLA?
Calacanis: Apple Inc. To Buy Tesla For $75 Billion In 18 Months?
No, they are not. Why buy a car company that loses money on each car they sell? That is not how $AAPL roles.