Personally, I don't see the rationale of #Blackberry getting into the self-driving car market. Especially when companies like #Google and #Apple are aggressively pursuing it, I don't see how Blackberry could pull ahead. $BBRY $GOOGL$AAPL
I use #Alexa often. It can't answer nearly as many questions as #Siri, but can have "skills" added, app-like programs to do everything from play games to control your smart home. $AMZN$AAPL
I've never used #GoogleAssist and hadn't realized #Google was getting into this space but could see them being formidable. But I've never had #Cortana successfully answer anything I've ever asked it. All it does is direct me to a web search. No idea what #Microsoft is trying to accomplish with that but I would place them dead last. $GOOGL$MSFT
Thx, Alexander...If $AAPL execs can be convinced to repatriate its overseas cash in exchange for forgiveness of paying taxes on such a transaction by some kind of Congressional intervention (which includes AAPL committing to invest in public infrastructure programs), you could see its stock break out to new highs next year. Perhaps Mr. Trump's team can work some kind of magic in this regard. Your comment has inspired me to write about a potential rally on my Blog at StrawberryBlonde'
I think it's quite a different situation than some component maker to AAPL who has massive power over suppliers. I don't think there are any great alternatives for USFD, and the switching costs would be very high as many of the end customers have relationships with IVFH. USFD is highly unlikely to try to supply these small market, niche ingredients which IVFH provide. As a specific product gets larger, USFD ultimately takes it in house and IVFH abandons the category. And its a great biz for USFD, as the business is like a royalty, and very asset lite. $AAPL$USFD$IVFH
@[Brian Harper](user:32908), thanks for sharing your thoughts on $IVFH. I've been considering this stock but am concerned that 70% of #InnovativeFood's revenue comes from a single company - $USFD.
It reminds me of how $GTAT went bankrupt after $AAPL decided not to use it's screens on the #Apple Watch. Aren't there other competitors which could steal US Food's business from them?
I'd have to agree with you @[Alexander Hamilton](user:35569). Though I often wonder if sites like $AMZN or $AAPL have their own plans for #cryptocurrency. Like with #ApplePay.
What about #Trump's plan to clamp down on companies trying to avoid paying US taxes. #Apple is one of the worst offenders. Couldn't this have a negative impact on $AAPL?
Ignore All The Hype Around BlackBerry Ltd Stock
Personally, I don't see the rationale of #Blackberry getting into the self-driving car market. Especially when companies like #Google and #Apple are aggressively pursuing it, I don't see how Blackberry could pull ahead. $BBRY $GOOGL $AAPL
The Battle of Smartphone Assistants: Siri Vs. Google Assistant
I use #Alexa often. It can't answer nearly as many questions as #Siri, but can have "skills" added, app-like programs to do everything from play games to control your smart home. $AMZN $AAPL
I've never used #GoogleAssist and hadn't realized #Google was getting into this space but could see them being formidable. But I've never had #Cortana successfully answer anything I've ever asked it. All it does is direct me to a web search. No idea what #Microsoft is trying to accomplish with that but I would place them dead last. $GOOGL $MSFT
The Battle of Smartphone Assistants: Siri Vs. Google Assistant
How would you say #Apple's #Siri or #Google's #GoogleAssistant compares with #Microsoft's #Cortana or #Amazon's #Alexa? $AAPL $GOOGL $MSFT $AMZN
Tech May Hold Key To Continued Santa Rally
Thx, Alexander...If $AAPL execs can be convinced to repatriate its overseas cash in exchange for forgiveness of paying taxes on such a transaction by some kind of Congressional intervention (which includes AAPL committing to invest in public infrastructure programs), you could see its stock break out to new highs next year. Perhaps Mr. Trump's team can work some kind of magic in this regard. Your comment has inspired me to write about a potential rally on my Blog at StrawberryBlonde'
Innovative Food: Beaten Down Former Growth Darling Throwing Off Significant Cash
I think it's quite a different situation than some component maker to AAPL who has massive power over suppliers. I don't think there are any great alternatives for USFD, and the switching costs would be very high as many of the end customers have relationships with IVFH. USFD is highly unlikely to try to supply these small market, niche ingredients which IVFH provide. As a specific product gets larger, USFD ultimately takes it in house and IVFH abandons the category. And its a great biz for USFD, as the business is like a royalty, and very asset lite. $AAPL $USFD $IVFH
Innovative Food: Beaten Down Former Growth Darling Throwing Off Significant Cash
@[Brian Harper](user:32908), thanks for sharing your thoughts on $IVFH. I've been considering this stock but am concerned that 70% of #InnovativeFood's revenue comes from a single company - $USFD.
It reminds me of how $GTAT went bankrupt after $AAPL decided not to use it's screens on the #Apple Watch. Aren't there other competitors which could steal US Food's business from them?
The Needed Acception Of Cryptocurrency Today
I'd have to agree with you @[Alexander Hamilton](user:35569). Though I often wonder if sites like $AMZN or $AAPL have their own plans for #cryptocurrency. Like with #ApplePay.
3 Reasons To Buy Apple Inc. Stock Now
What about #Trump's plan to clamp down on companies trying to avoid paying US taxes. #Apple is one of the worst offenders. Couldn't this have a negative impact on $AAPL?
3 Reasons To Buy Apple Inc. Stock Now
Enjoyed reading, thanks for the $AAPL education
3 Reasons To Buy Apple Inc. Stock Now
I agree with you. Don't forget the decent 2% yield. Dividend was raised in May, and I expect another $AAPL dividend increase next year.