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Fred Fuld was a former executive in the financial services industry who started out working as a stockbroker, and later as a market maker on the options floor of the Pacific Stock Exchange, then as Vice President of a San Francisco money management firm. He subsequently worked as an adjunct ...more



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Latest On The Getty Images And Shutterstock Merger
1 hour ago
Both companies are struggling against the competition from AI, and a merger should help them survive. Although not the same thing, the merger between Sirius and XM Radio had some similarities.
In this article: GETY, SSTK
Warren Buffett Adds New Stocks To Berkshire Hathaway’s Portfolio
6 months ago

You are correct. The article was about what Buffett bought for the Berkshire portfolio.

Gilead-Backed Kyverna Overshoots Raised IPO Expectations
1 year ago

I'm surprised tht SPACs are still having IPOs.

In this article: KYTX, MGX, TBBB, TELO, PMNT, AHR
Chocolate: Healthy For You, Healthy For Your Portfolio
1 year ago

That's probably why the stock has been generating negative earnings and has been dropping during the last year. 

In this article: HSY, TR, RMCF
Is It Time For Gold Stocks To Move Up?
4 years ago

Un the interest of full disclosure, I own BTG

In this article: AU, GOLD, CMCL, GAU
The Top Three Age Reversal And Age Extension Stocks
4 years ago

It is an interesting company. I will continue to follow it.

In this article: CWBR, AGE, TORC
The Top Three Age Reversal And Age Extension Stocks
4 years ago

Thanks for you feedback.

In this article: CWBR, AGE, TORC
The Top Three Age Reversal And Age Extension Stocks
4 years ago

Thanks for your suggestions. I will include them in future age extension articles.

In this article: CWBR, AGE, TORC
Top Precision Medicine Stocks
5 years ago

Yes, I think it will be the top industry in the medical filed, if not one of the top industries overall.

In this article: BMRN, ILMN, VRTX, VRML, CNCR, IQV
3 Reasons To Buy Apple Inc. Stock Now
8 years ago

I agree with you. Don't forget the decent 2% yield. Dividend was raised in May, and I expect another $AAPL dividend increase next year.

In this article: AAPL
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