William K. - Comments

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The Biggest Bubble In History: Breakouts, Valuations, Bitcoin, Liquidity
4 years ago

When the bubble pops? Of course it is going to deflate, but will it pop or just fizzle? And I can't believe that it will only hurt share holders. I am sure that there will be plenty of pain for those not involved, and probably it is the non-participants who will suffer the most. Of course that 1% may lose the most money, but if one has 100mn and loses $90 mn, the $10mn is still quite enough to live comfortably, even if they do need to sell that second Learjet. But when that bubble, created by other with the help of the fed, bursts, or just fizzles, my losses will be a much larger portion, and my pain will be quite real. AND, for those who caused it all, know that I will be very unhappy.

In this article: CMG, AMZN, SHOP, BITCOMP
Neighborhood Sun - The Startup That's Making Clean Energy Accessible To All
4 years ago

Very interesting indeed. And very educational as well. This company does not produce, it markets, and in a different kind of way. Selling a product made by others. Not producing the product at all.

Bitcoin And Beyond - Price Vs. Value
4 years ago

I did like this article, and I agree that Bitcoin does not possess any intrinsic value, unlike gold, or even representative value, like dollars have. The llack of intrinsic value was first shown when folks could produce bitcoin by solving complex math puzzles.

The current high price is a tribute to very skillful marketing and emotion manipulation.

In this article: BITCOMP
Waste Management: Turning Trash Into Dividend Treasure
4 years ago

Certainly an educational article, and a company that I had not paid any attention to. Thanks for the education.

In this article: WM
TalkMarkets Tuesday Talk: Of Brexit And Brandade
4 years ago

Very interesting and also quite educational. And the rich get richer because those setting the rules want to "take care of their friends." Certainly those in government know how to help themselves. AND by the way, that is NOT doing meany favors. The fact, verified by history, is that people will put up with a great deal of misery, if it is heaped on slowly. Then all at once, just a small bit more, and the revolution ignites, or even explodes. Where that level of misery that leads to revolution can only be guessed at, and what will trigger the explosion may be a very small spark that did nothing a hundred times before. Thus the government and the 1% really need to remove some of the misery occasionally.

Beware Hot Tech Stocks
4 years ago

Certainly some tech companies can do very well, but like we said at the one that I had been at: One step away, from riches or disaster. Really, that was it constantly.

Plug Power Inc: A Quick Look Under The Hood
4 years ago

Hydrogen fuel cells always are going to be a great future power source. That has been true for fifty years or more. A lot like cold fusion in that respect. What usually boosts a companies stock is not the great technical discovery, it is the oratory skills of the CEO. There is a definite market for the products but not everybody needs them They could work well on cars, and refueling could be much faster than recharging, and there is no need for the huge investment in power distribution.

In this article: PLUG
The Bear Is Quietly Stalking Its Prey
4 years ago

An interesting and educational article, indeed. Thanks for the addition to my education. Certainly it appears that the pricing of shares is based on a lot more than facts about performance. It seems that an equal amount of steering is done by emotions of greed and fear. And certainly I am not the first one to say that.

XAUUSD Daily Pip Range - One Of The Most Volatile Pairs
4 years ago

Trading in gold and currency is clearly not for everybody. And this article explains a lot, so thanks a whole lot for the education.

Earnings Growth Will Disappoint In 2021
4 years ago

For starters, the main responsibility of a CEO is to increase profits to please the shareholders by increasing share prices. That may also include having good management skills and the ability to point the organization in the right directions. It does not include being truthful all of the time. It does include being a master in "the methods of selected data use."

And all of those high-priced touts referenced certainly are well aware of where their money comes from.

As for profits this year, and profit growth, consider that THE WHOLE WORLD is suffering from this plague that is killing a lot of people and damaging many more. Sunshine and increased wealth do not seem to be on the menu even.

In this article: SPX
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