William K. - Comments

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Earnings Start Growing Again
4 years ago

The prediction of recovery being based on things going the way that I think they will is that growth will continue to increase, unless things do not go the way that I am guessing that they will go.

The Renaissance Of Pipelines And Our Sell Discipline
4 years ago

Thanks for a whole lot of insight and some rather useful information. And good writing besides.

Project Financial Independence
4 years ago

Definitely interesting but whatever it is actually proposing is not that clear to me. Certainly the Federal Bank has been wrong-headed for many years, acting primarily to benefit the financial sector with little regard to the rest of the population. The constant effort towards inflation being a most obvious example of this intent. The effort to maintain stock share prices and keep them increasing without regard to the welfare of the rest has lead to the condition where a collapse under excessive debt may happen, and the burden of that debt is certain, not just a guess.

When It Comes To The Canadian Dollar The Bank Of Canada Is Caught Between A Rock And A Hard Place
4 years ago

Very interesting and educational. Thanks for the post.

A Batch Of News
4 years ago

Well written and informative, as I have come to expect. Thanks for the post, always interesting. Unfortunately our organizations experiences with GoDaddy, as we are a registered non-profit, seem similar. Not sure why.

In this article: RHHBY, CSIQ
Whatever Hit The Fan
4 years ago

What I see as the problem with stock estimates is that they seem to be based mostly on wishes, modified slightly by what is known of what folks want to hear. I read the predictions that some market will be worth hundreds of millions in two years, and then two months later there is no such market. And while "sunshine" is bright and cheerful, two much of it in the wrong places is unfortunate.

And while the exact vector for the spread of that virus in China may be interesting, the guilt lies on the local officials that hid the warning, for purposes of saving face, it comes down to. I can not imagine an adequate response to tha damage they did.

The Two Pins That Will Pop The Stock Market Bubble
4 years ago

The problems come partly from the string of fatal errors by the fed banks over the years. And unfortunately fatal errors usually have fatal results.

In this article: SPX
Will Boeing Recover?
4 years ago

The problem that I see is that they have not revised their approach to the portion of the system that caused those crashes. That is the automatic stall correction system. They are taking the approach that the only flaw was inadequate pilot training resulting in not being able to correct the problem. The flaw is that the stall detection system is not nearly adequately reliable, since it only uses one sensor, while aircraft safety and control systems always use redundant sensors. And the software seems to have an attitude that the crew is stupid and incapable of the correct actions. So the appearance is that Boeing needs to have a severe attitude adjustment made, and that will probably affect the share value and reduce the profits for a while. So while this is a very small part of the Boeing entity it does represent a potentially huge liability if it keeps killing people, which that problem does not appear to have been adequately addressed.

In this article: BA
Most Active Equity Options For Midday - Thursday, Feb. 18
4 years ago

The listings table fails to appear for me. Oh Dread!!

US Job Market
4 years ago

The indiscriminate and random flinging of huge amounts of cash is seldom a wise choice, but typical of the liberal mindset. The results in the past have always been the same, with a huge burden of debt placed on the backs of those not yet born, and rampant inflation devouring the assets of the many who are unable to magicly increase their incomes. The painful reality is that inflation damages a whole lot of people quite a lot, while profiting those who least need the benefit.

Unfortunately none of the included images appear in my copy of this post, nor the captions.

But thanks for some interesting data.

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