I've worked hard my whole life, but it wasn't until my introduction to investing where I found my groove and was able to make it big. A movie fan, collector, and big kid at heart, I can finally indulge in all the finer things in life I was denied as a child! The world is mine!
I've worked hard my whole life, but it wasn't until my introduction to investing where I found my groove and was able to make it big. A movie fan, collector, and big kid at heart, I can finally indulge in all the finer things in life I was denied as a child! The world is mine!
Latest Comments
Deeper Diagnosis Of Department Store's Survival
Thanks PennyWiser. When will you write more about other companies?
Trump's Lysol Moment: His Most Ridiculous Comment Ever
Agreed. While I didn't agree with the last impeachment, I do think he should be impeached now. He is a menace to society.
Hot Options Report For End Of Day - Monday, April 27
Not much of a report here.
Ember Fund - The Startup For Investing In A Managed Cryptocurrency Portfolio
@[Alex Wang](user:129628), I'd like to know this as well.
Are COVID-19 Lockdowns Weakening Our Immune Systems?
Wear a mask people! Don't listen to these idiots.
Are Warren Buffett And Charlie Munger Buying Now?
They will but... it’s just a question when!
40% Of Oil Producers Will Go Bankrupt If $30 Persists
That's what they want, the competition wants less competition.
Does The Future Scare You?
I can't help but wonder if all this is overblown though. Yes many people will die, but most won't. The world has recovered from far worse pandemics in history.
Does The Future Scare You?
I realize that. And sure some companies may be a bit more accommodating in the future. But let's be realistic - all those tools existed before. Most people aren't as productive at home, even without kids. I'm barely getting anything done and I see my colleagues' productivity have plummeted. I don't think companies will start to tell people they no longer have to come to work.
Does The Future Scare You?
Small things sure - probably a lot of people who never ordered groceries online and the like will continue to do so. A lot of people were forced to learn to be a bit more tech savvy. But I don't see any far reaching changes. It's not like people will no longer get together, or that companies will suddenly let all of their people work from home.