Given that some prices appear to be driven primarily by emotions, being able to grasp tends quickly can be a valuable skill. But knowing when to jump off is even more important. Like the old gamble said, "Never bet more than you can afford to lose."
WOW, a whole lot of data and a fair amount of information, and not a lot of sunshine. It seems that the future will not be so very bright for those who have not invested in gold. What I get from this is that definitely, what we see is not the light at the end of the tunnel, but rather a fast freight train headed our way in that dark and narrow tunnel. O(Pardon the scary image, folks)
So we see that "gold" can be a good warning as well as a great refuge. At least I think that is what I see.
The one thing that is never discussed, hinted by the reference to including the CPI in figuring inflation, is how inflation benefits those not involved in stocks trading or the financial sector, the "5%" that are never mentioned.
Certainly inflation injures all who have their savings in banks, or in their pockets, and those who have no savings. That part is terribly obvious, at least to those of us able to think about price versus value.
So it is clear that the entire goal of the Fed and the financial sector is self-enrichment at the expense of the rest of humanity. Really, that should be obvious if it were explained to that 95% of folks.
BUT the fact is that I very much dislike revolutions with all the shooting and killing. Reform is a much better and far less damaging approach, much preferred.
The damage to the country (USA) is due to a number of causes, not all promoted by the current president. But I do not see him pushing any solutions, so I do classify him as part of the problem.
Our ballots DO need one more choice, that being "NONE OF THE ABOVE.", Which would be a vote AGAINST all of them. That would mean that the parties need to offer a different choice. Picking the lesser of the evils is not the way we should be going.. If any wish to grab this concept and make it real, they can take full credit and I will not complain.
Perhaps the banks could survive if the push for profits was reduced a bit. These certainly are unprecedented times, and so unprecedented actions may be the solution. The investors will certainly survive without getting quite as much profit for a while. And hopefully, when this is over, everybody will be able to recall who the heroes were, and who were the villains.
The correct response would have been, on DAY ONE of learning about the virus, to CLOSE THE BORDERS completely, and THEN figure out what to do. Unfortunately our leaders chose to do just the opposite, announce that the borders would be closed in a while, so folks better rush home now.
I believe it is attributed to Clint Eastwood, who said "You Can't Fix Stupid." I am convinced that is correct. The ignorant can be educated but stupid is a personal choice.
And I am wondering about those deaths being "politically unnecessary. I would refer to them as "easily avoidable through correct actions" deaths, closer to negligent homicide, if one chooses to use a term from criminal law. Not quite such a gentle term, but possibly much closer to the harsh truth.
There is a time and a place for both clowns and jugglers, which is the circus, and not our government.
Like all chemically induced euphoria, this one can not last for an extended length of time, because the debt and the inflation will spoil everything after a while. So while the financial institutions and many of the shareholders ride the wave to paper riches, the time of reconning will follow as the "high" fades.
The unfortunate problem with debt is that it must eventually be paid back, and the problem with inflation is that it always hurts those unable to create more money. Thus whoever is elected will have an interesting time solving the problem that was started a long time ago.
My hope is that somehow rational thinking will arrive and that somehow the train-wreck can be avoided, or at least reduced to an inconvenience.
Very Good! Most of the authors words are what I would have said if I was that elequent a writer.
Indeed, the flaw is the lie that inflation benefits everyone. It certainly offers no benefit to those who must spend what they have earned and receive less value than the value that they worked for. Given how obvious that is, the clear fact is that those promoting inflation either do not understand or do not care. I see it as exclusively not caring.
Latest Comments
Overwrought (OSTK)
Given that some prices appear to be driven primarily by emotions, being able to grasp tends quickly can be a valuable skill. But knowing when to jump off is even more important. Like the old gamble said, "Never bet more than you can afford to lose."
US Stock Market Weekly Review Aug. 23-28
Thanks for a summary that gets past the "sunshine" and shows some reality.
100 Years Of Indexes - What BEV Plots And BGMI Can Tell
WOW, a whole lot of data and a fair amount of information, and not a lot of sunshine. It seems that the future will not be so very bright for those who have not invested in gold. What I get from this is that definitely, what we see is not the light at the end of the tunnel, but rather a fast freight train headed our way in that dark and narrow tunnel. O(Pardon the scary image, folks)
So we see that "gold" can be a good warning as well as a great refuge. At least I think that is what I see.
Warning Signs Of A Top
The one thing that is never discussed, hinted by the reference to including the CPI in figuring inflation, is how inflation benefits those not involved in stocks trading or the financial sector, the "5%" that are never mentioned.
Certainly inflation injures all who have their savings in banks, or in their pockets, and those who have no savings. That part is terribly obvious, at least to those of us able to think about price versus value.
So it is clear that the entire goal of the Fed and the financial sector is self-enrichment at the expense of the rest of humanity. Really, that should be obvious if it were explained to that 95% of folks.
BUT the fact is that I very much dislike revolutions with all the shooting and killing. Reform is a much better and far less damaging approach, much preferred.
Time To Sell Apple Stock? Apple Stock Split Update
Possibly the author thinks that those products may not do well. Some folks do get inside information. Or maybe just a different point of view?
Friday Market Review - Friday, August 28
The damage to the country (USA) is due to a number of causes, not all promoted by the current president. But I do not see him pushing any solutions, so I do classify him as part of the problem.
Our ballots DO need one more choice, that being "NONE OF THE ABOVE.", Which would be a vote AGAINST all of them. That would mean that the parties need to offer a different choice. Picking the lesser of the evils is not the way we should be going.. If any wish to grab this concept and make it real, they can take full credit and I will not complain.
Canadian Banks Are Far From Being Out Of The Woods
Perhaps the banks could survive if the push for profits was reduced a bit. These certainly are unprecedented times, and so unprecedented actions may be the solution. The investors will certainly survive without getting quite as much profit for a while. And hopefully, when this is over, everybody will be able to recall who the heroes were, and who were the villains.
Here Is The Cost For The Politically Unnecessary COVID-19 Deaths In The US
The correct response would have been, on DAY ONE of learning about the virus, to CLOSE THE BORDERS completely, and THEN figure out what to do. Unfortunately our leaders chose to do just the opposite, announce that the borders would be closed in a while, so folks better rush home now. I believe it is attributed to Clint Eastwood, who said "You Can't Fix Stupid." I am convinced that is correct. The ignorant can be educated but stupid is a personal choice. And I am wondering about those deaths being "politically unnecessary. I would refer to them as "easily avoidable through correct actions" deaths, closer to negligent homicide, if one chooses to use a term from criminal law. Not quite such a gentle term, but possibly much closer to the harsh truth. There is a time and a place for both clowns and jugglers, which is the circus, and not our government.
If S&P Hits 3,630 By Election Day, This Would Be The Greatest Rally Of All Time
Like all chemically induced euphoria, this one can not last for an extended length of time, because the debt and the inflation will spoil everything after a while. So while the financial institutions and many of the shareholders ride the wave to paper riches, the time of reconning will follow as the "high" fades.
The unfortunate problem with debt is that it must eventually be paid back, and the problem with inflation is that it always hurts those unable to create more money. Thus whoever is elected will have an interesting time solving the problem that was started a long time ago.
My hope is that somehow rational thinking will arrive and that somehow the train-wreck can be avoided, or at least reduced to an inconvenience.
One Bank Finally Tells The Truth: "The Fed Policies Have Become Part Of The Problem"
Very Good! Most of the authors words are what I would have said if I was that elequent a writer.
Indeed, the flaw is the lie that inflation benefits everyone. It certainly offers no benefit to those who must spend what they have earned and receive less value than the value that they worked for. Given how obvious that is, the clear fact is that those promoting inflation either do not understand or do not care. I see it as exclusively not caring.