Overwrought (OSTK)
I came upon this trade in an unusual fashion; I saw this very nice note from Kyle:
And I remembered: “Oh, yeah! Overstock! I can’t stand those guys!” So I shorted some. So far, so good!
I intend to hang on to this one, since it has a history of reaching utterly goofy levels and spending months burning it off.
I don't get it.
What don't you get Freddy? What the author said or what @[William K.](user:30001) said?
For starters, I made a typo. That first sentence should have been "being able to grasp TRENDS quickly can be a valuable skill. That is what I meant to say, and I hope it makes more sense.. Sorry Freddy!
Given that some prices appear to be driven primarily by emotions, being able to grasp tends quickly can be a valuable skill. But knowing when to jump off is even more important. Like the old gamble said, "Never bet more than you can afford to lose."