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Cryptocurrency History & Origin – Timeline Infographic
6 years ago

Over 1,600 different cryptocurrencies!? Oh my. Can anyone just create a crytocurrency?

In this article: BITCOMP, LTC-X, XRP-X, DASH-X, XMR-X
Cryptocurrency History & Origin – Timeline Infographic
6 years ago

Just how many #cryptos are there? And who determines if they are legitimate or not? Couldn't anyone create a #cryptocurrency?

In this article: BITCOMP, LTC-X, XRP-X, DASH-X, XMR-X
'If OPEC Survives, It Will Be Without Iran': As Saudi Arabia’s Oil Production Surges, Analysts Ponder The Future
6 years ago

Say it ain't so Gary. Please tell me you aren't one of those conspiracy nuts who thinks the US was secretly behind 9/11.

Is Saudi Arabia The World’s Next Nuclear Headache?
6 years ago

Good article. Hopefully Iran is still far away from getting any sort of nuclear capability.

Regardless, Saudi Arabia isn't as crazy as Iran. The threat of "mutually assured destruction" is what kept the Soviet from bombing the US or it's allies throughout the cold war. Unfortunately, Iran doesn't seem to care about retaliation. But I'm pretty sure Saudi Arabia cares very much.

CBL's High-Yield Bonds Are Increasingly Attractive (6.1% Yield + Price Appreciation)
6 years ago

Thanks for sharing this, you seem to really know your stuff and hit on a good find with $CBL. I will check out your site for more pearls of wisdom.

In this article: CBL
Weighing The Week Ahead: Is It Time To Worry About 2020?
6 years ago

Great roundup with some excellent links to worthwhile reads. Was impressed by how such a high percentage of the must reads you included could all be found right here.

In this article: C, CBL, GE, KO, JILL
SPX & G6 Prices For The Week Of June 11th
6 years ago

Good stuff George, glad to see you here. You seem to know your stuff. What's your background?

In this article: FXA, FXB, FXF, JYNFF, SPX
Why Consumer Staples Are Dying
6 years ago

Thanks again @[John Thomas](user:21421) for the excellent article, but you really must post large images!

In this article: PG, XLP, KO, WMT, AMZN, PEP, PM
Goodbye To The Quarter From Hell
6 years ago

Thanks @[John Thomas](user:21421), good article. But your last 3 charts are too small for my old eyes to see.

In this article: CSCO, INTC, MSFT, SPY, TLT
Longfin: The Bizarre Crypto-Stock Story That Reached Astounding Extremes
6 years ago

Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction. $LFIN

In this article: LFIN
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