Obviously the Saudis are going to downplay the negative impact that the Iranian attack had on hit's oil capabilities. What I want to know is, why aren't they retaliating in any way? Seems to me that it will just embolden more attacks. And more attacks will hurt increase oil prices even further.
Yes, owning your own home is the American Dream. But homes are expensive to buy and expensive to maintain. Too may millennials carry student loan debt making it difficult to pay off a house.
Latest Comments
Why do you assume riots in the US would be quashed right away? I seem to recall the Rodney King riots lasted quite a long time
Goldman Struggles To Shed 'Vampire Squid' Reputation As Retail-Banking Push Falters
Most people have a very short-term memory for this kind of thing. In today's crazy world, it's like every has ADHD
In Search Of The Effective Lower Bound
Good article, thanks @[Mish Shedlock](user:5141).
Mexico’s Second Largest Silver Mine Shuts Down, Reopens & Shuts Down Again
Wow, maybe they should make up their mind! Thanks for the interesting read.
A Fistful Of Reasons To Be Optimistic
Great read. It's nice to see a positive article after reading so many preaching doom and gloom!
The Saudi Comeback
Obviously the Saudis are going to downplay the negative impact that the Iranian attack had on hit's oil capabilities. What I want to know is, why aren't they retaliating in any way? Seems to me that it will just embolden more attacks. And more attacks will hurt increase oil prices even further.
"We’re Just A Technology Company That Happens To Have A Banking License"
Very good article.
The Best Of Times, The Worst Of Times - The Global Economy Is At A Perilous Cross Road
It certainly is.
Market Talk – Tuesday, September 10
Very true.
American Dream: 68% Of Millennial Homeowners Regret Buying A Home
Yes, owning your own home is the American Dream. But homes are expensive to buy and expensive to maintain. Too may millennials carry student loan debt making it difficult to pay off a house.