Tyler Durden | TalkMarkets | Page 677
Writer at ZeroHedge
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Tyler Durden (pseudonym) is thelead writer at ZeroHedge. Tyler represents the idea that a return to truly efficient markets is a possibility and a necessity. After having experienced the inner workings of capitalism at various asset managers and advisors, Tyler believes that the current model is ...more


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"Well, That's Never Happened Before"
Aggregate Auto Loan volume actually fell last week... And less loans means one simple thing... less sales (because prices have never been higher and no one is paying cash).
Foreign Central Banks Sell A Record $343 Billion In US Treasuries In The Last Year
In the latest weekly update, foreign central banks accelerated their liquidation of US paper held in the Fed's custody account, which tumbled by $27.5 billion in the past week, the biggest weekly drop since January 2015.
Household Net Worth Hits A Record $89 Trillion... There Is Just One Catch
Household borrowing rose at a 4.4% annual rate, with total household liabilities grew growing by $200 billion from $14.5 trillion to $14.7 trillion, the bulk of which was $9.6 trillion in home mortgages.
WTI Crude Slides As Oil Rig Count Rises To 7-Month Highs
Following a week of supply concerns and inventory anxiety, crude prices have slipped notably lower, more potentially bearish news just hit with Baker Hughes reporting the oil rig count rose 2 to 416 - up for the 12th week in a row.
WTI Crude Tumbles To One-Month Lows As Libya, Nigeria Supply Looms
World oil stockpiles will continue to accumulate through 2017, a fourth consecutive year of oversupply, according to the IEA.
Mexican Peso Crashes To Record Lows As Trump Odds Surge
While correlation is not causation, it is certainly a wink and a nudge in this case. As Donald Trump's poll numbers soar so the Mexican Peso has been collapsing against the US dollar, and just broke to fresh record lows.
Goldman Downgrades S&P 500, Stoxx 600 To Sell, Cites "Elevated Valuations And The Risk Of Shocks"
Goldman's Peter Oppenheimer finally changed Goldman's official "tactical" bias, and as of this moment recommends selling not only bonds, as well as the S&P500 and Europe's Stoxx 600.
Greece Raids Home Of Central Bank Head
In Greece, today the chief prosecutor ordered a raid of the home of the governor of the Greek central bank, Yannis Stournaras and the company office of his wife.
Deutsche Bank Shares Tank After CEO Rejects $14 Billion DOJ Settlement
Deutsche Bank Chief Executive Officer John Cryan, 55, has struggled to boost profitability as unresolved legal probes and claims compound concerns that the lender will be forced to raise capital or sell assets.
Deutsche Bank Slapped With $14 Billion Fine By DOJ Over Mortgage Probe
Just a few weeks after the EU slapped Apple with a $14 billion bill for "back taxes," the U.S. has apparently responded with a $14 billion fine of their own to Deutsche Bank.
Dismal Data Deluge Sparks Buying-Panic In Stocks
A dismal data day - pushing US macro data to 2 month lows - and stocks loved it...
Bernanke Urges Use Of Negative Rates When Next Recession Strikes
The former Fed chairman says that "when the next recession arrives, there may be limited room for the interest-rate cuts that have traditionally been central banks’ primary tool for sustaining employment and keeping inflation near target".
This Could Be A Problem...
Today's environment is not normal - it has been 9 years since bonds and stocks moved in sync, completely confused. That time it did not end well... but this time is different, right?
Bank Of England Keeps Rate, QE Unchanged As Expected, Hints May Cut More
Facilitated by the recent surge of positive economic data out of the UK, moments ago the BOE did not surprise when it kept its interest rate at 0.25% after a unanimous 9-0 vote.
Ford Announces Plan To Shift All Small-Car Production To Mexico
Earlier today Ford announced that it expects operating income to decline in 2017 as the automaker increases investment in electric and autonomous vehicles, before rising again in 2018.
China Floods Economy With Over Rmb 1 Trillion In New August Credit
China's August money and credit data were all above expectations. Mortgage loans continued to be strong: medium- to long-term new loans to the household sector were Rmb 529bn.
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