Todd Sullivan | TalkMarkets | Page 34
Hedge Fund Manager, Owner of ValuePlays and Angel Investor
Contributor's Links: ValuePlays Rand Strategic Partners
Todd Sullivan is a Massachusetts-based value investor and a General Partner in Rand Strategic Partners. He looks for investments he believes are selling for a discount to their intrinsic value given their current situation and future prospects. ...more

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Now What? How High Could Momentum Investors Drive This Market?
History tells us that markets do not peak till we have had a period of economic and stock market optimism. The previous 2 market peaks, 2000 and 2007, had the same level of capital dedicated to Momentum Investor strategies as we have today.
US Economy & Dollar Strength
The current issue with real estate both residential, retail and commercial is a lack of supply. Lending standards are still over regulated and very tight supply is limited and well below historical averages and there is still plenty of latent demand.
Comey A “Black Swan”? Not So Much
The equity markets have stalled for ~3yrs while general economic activity has continued in an uptrend. I expect higher equity prices the next several years.
Chemical Activity Hits Record….Expansion To Continue
The CAB (Chemical Activity Barometer) reports a new historic high of 115.15. The CAB, a new economic indicator introduced June 2012, has been effective as an indicator of economic activity spanning 1919-Present.
Is The Digital Economy Causing GDP Mismeasurment?
Our economy has become digitized, but we still produce goods and services which are measurable. We have to make sure we know what it is we are measuring.
Has Oil Replaced “Dr. Copper” As “The” Indicator?
The WTI and US$ have been in an inverse relationship since 2001. In my experience this was due to Momentum Investor algorithms which were following the ‘Dr. Copper’ concept that traders had deployed for years.
Interest Rates, The Fed & Recessions
The past 12-month period has seen many a ‘high profile’ investor forecast that a recession is imminent. This is the consensus view. Some claim it is driven by economic weakness from one area or another.
Employment, Retail Sales, Personal Income & S&P 500 Intrinsic Value
Economic activity remains in expansion and SP 500 remains close to the Value Investor Index as pessimism remains intact.
Analyzing Economic Activity “Like Reading A Novel”
Economic activity is better than many believe. The better values are those sectors and issues which can benefit from knowledge of fundamentals.
Wesbury On The Fed And Money Creation
The Fed has no new power over the money supply. Like gravity or the speed of light, wishing things were different doesn’t make it true.
Rates Falling
The insurance industry is in a tight spot. This is most obvious in property reinsurance, but that is one symptom of a squeeze across the sector.
Economic Activity, "Credit Spread" And Markets
Money has been lent for thousands of years based on expected returns. In the modern economy we have today ,we talk about “The Credit Spread” which is the difference between any long-term lending rate vs. its relative short-term rate.
Houston Housing Continues To Feel Oil’s Pain…Home Sales & Price Set Record
Wondering when we can put to bed the “oil price collapse will kill housing in Houston meme”? Oil is no longer the singular driver of Houston’s economy.
S&P 500 Intrinsic Value Update
The SP500 Value Investor Index sits at $2,118 with the SP500 this morning priced ~$2,180. We are at an attractive level for Value Investors currently.
Inflation Is Always And Everywhere A Monetary Phenomenon
If we attempt to influence markets in a direction we believe to be beneficial, we often get unexpected outcomes.
S&P 500 Intrinsic Value Update - August 29, 2016
The last two “bubbles” (housing and internet) featured an S&P500 40% to 50% above its intrinsic value… we are nowhere even close to that today.
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