Jim Boswell Blog | Where Do We Go from Here--Revisited | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Where Do We Go from Here--Revisited

Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 6:44 AM EDT

Because i began my Talkmarkets' blogging effort right before the Presidential election in 2020, i thought i would go back and review what i said about Fox News, Murdoch, etc. because i remember saying a lot about those things before the Presidential election in 2020.

Because nothing has changed within Fox News (other than having to cashout millions of dollars to cover their lying), i thought it would be interesting to see again what i had said back in the "olden days".

As part of that review, i came across something that i wrote a few days after the Presidential race in 2020 had been decided (i.e., Saturday, November 7, 2020).  Here is what i said at that time in a post called "Where Do We Go from Here?"


Over the past several days i have given some thought to what i would like to do in the future if given the chance.  And here is what i have come up with.

I would like to develop a globanomics program in public administration at Indiana University and i would like to develop a globanomics program in business administration at Wharton, then thirdly i would like to develop a globanomics liberal arts program at some small liberal arts school of your choice.

I would like to do that in subsequent years, Indiana beginning next fall; Wharton the year after, and then the liberal arts program the year after that.  I am going to be 75-77 so i would like to do it quick and dirty.  Of course, i would only want to do this if asked to do it.

The school year for the first year of globanomics would go from Oct 15 to April 30 in each case.  At I.U. starting out i would want sixty students to help go through the curriculum.  When they get done with the year they will have earned the first masters degrees in public administration globanomics.

Something similar would be done at the other schools.

Now, of course, my wife, Linda, knows nothing of this and i might ask for a little support down the line convincing her.

As far as payment goes, i would not charge anything.  I would like for all of my expenses to be covered while on these journeys.

I intend to make my real money from my writings, but that does not mean that everything else i do will be for free.  

And in case you may need me more, i would like to set up some kind of "retainer" deal.

ps.  I might ask for a little help in getting my writings going, but than can still wait for a while.

ps2:  I almost forgot.  Here is another wish of mine.  I would like to attend the inaugural with Linda, where she could get a chance to meet Jon Bon Jovi and his wife.


And now, here is how i feel today about the above.

Dream on you fucking dreamer!  Robert Murdoch is in charge of the nation (i.e., Fox Nation) that you do not love!  And Fox Nation is about half the size as the nation you like to think is called the United States of America.  And because of that fact, all your dreams are--just that--fucking dreams.

No one cares about the truth anymore.  At least no one here in the fucking United States of America, which is contaminated by something called Fox Nation that "feeds a willing audience" everything they "want to be told to make themselves feel better about themselves".  The truth does not matter to the people of Fox Nation because they are totally enamored and enraptured with their Golden Idol, who lives off of lying. 

If there is one thing that Robert Murdoch can do better than anyone else in the world (including me) and it is this.  He can turn a "Piece of Shit" into a "Golden Idol" without raising an eyebrow of a "single follower of his esteemed blog".


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