Jim Boswell Blog | The Second of Three Conversations | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

The Second of Three Conversations

Date: Sunday, January 10, 2021 11:57 AM EDT

Now here is the second conversation of the past few days conversations that i decided to share as part of my blog.


Hi, guys--i hope you don't mind but i have been sharing a bit of our conversation with a couple of other small groups (i.e., some of my family, some of the group of kids that used to work for me and now who are adults).

One of them responded with something i thought was pretty clever and here it is.

"When Trump sends his people to the Capital, he's not sending his best.   He's sending you people that have lots of problems.   They're bringing guns, pipe-bombs, and conspiracy theories.    They're bringing insurrection and sedition.   They're extremists with an agenda to overthrow a co-equal branch of government.   And some Trump supporters I suspect are good people."

I do believe very strongly that Impeachment is going to happen, one-way or another, over a negotiated time period--that is, a vote is called.  Nobody wants this to go on for too long because there really are other things that need to be done.  

And the Senate will vote to Impeach.  And this is how, which i believe will also be negotiated.  I have heard talk about only needing a super-majority of Senators in attendance is needed.  If this is true, it allows enough republican senators not to show up for the vote, so that the democrats can create a super-majority be themselves.  In truth, i think this is probably the best approach, although it does let some of those republican senators off without having to vote on the subject.  

Because "compromise" is going to be the new word of the day--the above is probably the best way to go.  I just do not know the legality of it though--i am not a Constitutional lawyer.  

Not only will Trump go down as the only President with two impeachments, he will go down as the only who was actually impeached.

And that speaks volumes for America!!!  It has to go this way.  There is no other option.

As far as jail after impeachment.  Hell, yes.  Think of this way, which is a not too far fetched way to look at things.  Think how you would feel if what happened in the U.S. the other day, happened in Egypt instead.  Think of England if you like.  Think what you would want for Britain, if prior to replacing a new Prime Minister, the Old Prime Minister tried to rouse up an attack on Parliament to unlawfully hold on to his Prime Minister seat.  If i heard of such a situation, i would want Britain to lock that person away for the rest of his life.

Enough said for now and i will leave it at that.

ps.  I have been off TalkMarkets pretty much since the election, but now due to these most recent events, i am trying to get back in.  I think i have a pretty good, and quality group of followers, and i intend to share some of what we have been discussing with them.

ps2.  You will never find a better time than right now to Invest in the United States of America.  That is my overall message in TalkMarkets, which i think will still allow me to get some of my political shit in the same article.  I have been going back and forth with the editors at Talkmarkets these past few days, even accusing them to some small degree catering to Donald J. Trump.  They defend themselves using previously stated arguments.  Regardless, i want to get back on now because what happened this week really did change things.  What i thought would take a four year term if that or even get done, now can be done much, much quicker now. This is one of the most interesting times in my life, if not the most interesting time, in a life filled with many interesting times.  I don't want to miss it.  And it just got started on January 6, 2021.

Please stay well.



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