Jim Boswell Blog | The First of Three Conversations | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

The First of Three Conversations

Date: Sunday, January 10, 2021 11:48 AM EDT

The events that took place on January 6, 2021 have spurred me back in to TalkMarkets and my Talkmarket blog.  Due to an old man's mental state (my own) it took me more than a couple of days to get back into Talkmarkets.  During that time, i was carrying on my own internal conversation with a group of four other old fraternity brothers of mine--a good group.  Now i would like to share three of those conversations to those of you who might follow my blog:

This first conversation was a result of watching Biden on television a few days ago.

Hi, guys--i spent some time responding to the issue about the Trump minority and when i sent the email, i think i only sent it to Scott--so in order for you not to feel cheated by missing out on all of my humble wisdom--i am sending you what i sent Scott.


You should have seen Biden address these issues.  And don't worry about the minor minority, Biden is going to go after the really bad ones real quick--and shortly after that we may see the republican party recover to a more competitive degree.  But during that time, i think Biden will get pretty much what he wants.  And what he wants is good and right.

I will tell you that i came across Biden's question and answer period accidentally (he was introducing his commerce, labor secretary picks).  Instead of watching tv i was going to go do a few things with my new Quest 2..  I thought i was good to go, but the battery in the Quest 2 needed charging,  So i went in and watched Biden instead.

Here are a few things i noted.  

1. He, more than any previous time, looked really Presidential.  He looked good, he was extremely calm, and he spoke with the right amount of clarity while leaving still much to one's imagination.  He does stumble with his words or numbers on occasion, but i think that is just Biiden--something that you can track back probably throughout his career..  He knows what he is talking about, but sometimes he gets his words a bit messed up--but all of that is laughable--and i don't think Biden cares what people think of his boo-boos.

2. Because it is important, i want to mention it again.  Leave no doubt about it, Biden is Biden's man--he is not Obama, who yet is probably his best friend.  Biden has been around the Congressional Block for a much longer time than Obama.  That is a very important advantage.  And Biden was always known to be liked by people from both sides of the fence.  Although not with the same Congressional power Johnson had in 1965 (having been majority leader prior to his Vice-Presitdency), Biden has some strategic advantages in that line, too.  Now with what seems almost like a gift now--the complete and utterly clear defeat of "Trumpism"., Biden comes out looking like a Humble Savior,   Now that is real Power.  

3.  Biden says his main target on day one is going to be the virus vaccine fix and getting his stimulus-help money out to the public without any chicanery--money will go to those who got it before, state and local governments, and small "mom and pop" businesses.  I think i remember Biden mentioning a $3 Trillion figure to get passed the virus (but that might just be my own thinking and i cannot be sure.  Regardless, $3 Trillion or maybe a little less should take care of the rest of the things to get passed the virus.  

Now here is an aside that i think you need to understand regardless of what anyone else tells you..  The United States is the leader of the world's economy with no questions asked.  Nearly 50% of the world's business market value is controlled by the United States, in the form of Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Walmart, Fast Food Restaurants,.  The United States is comes in first or second in nearly every economic category (e.g., info tech, semiconductors, freight, consumer goods, etc. etc. etc.)--when you look at the world grouped by United States, The rest of the Americas, Europe, China, India, and Asia Pacific..  Essentially, what i am saying here is that $3 Trillion price tag is no big thing.  I think shortly after this, we will get back closer to balanced budgets.

4. But like i wrote earlier, Biden said that is not all he was going to do early on.  And then he went on to discuss many of the things i mentioned earlier (e.g., infrastructure, science, international diplomacy, etc.)  You have to figure Biden has probably got the opportunity for "the best honeymoon period any President has ever had" because of recent events.  In our own lives, there would be only one other President who could compare and that was Johnson's in 1965 (after his landslide win and Kennedy's assissination).  And i think you all have a pretty good idea of the things that came out of that period--nearly fifty-five years ago.

That's that on that subject .  (pretty good, huh Michael, three thats in a five word phrase).

Now i will mention something else.  The best thing that can be done right at the moment is to Impeach Trump.  Get the vote to the Senate prior or after Jan 20, but make them vote.  You will already have the names from the House who say they would not punish Trump for his seditious acts.  We want the names from the Senate, too.  And those are the other guys that i think you were talking about that have to be dealt with.  And the way to start that will be the "censure" of Hawley and Cruz in the Senate.  And those things both have to be done and they will be done. 

I have been watching CNN, MSNBC, and Fox--and you can see what i am talking about.  The MSNBC guys now are holding nothing back.  It might seem like you have heard these guys say the same thing before, but now there is more clarity and strength put to their arguments.  On Fox, you still have a lot of the old phonies, but there are signs of others coming more around (somewhat like the republican senators position).  Think on this-- name me any other President who was Impeached Twice--now what does that tell you about that President?  And what do you think historians will have to say about those Impeachments and the basis for those Impeachments).  

Hope some of the above, from this undeterred optimist, lets you have a good one.



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Terrence Howard 4 years ago Member's comment

You should add a link at the end of this blog to your follow up blog posts.

Ayelet Wolf 4 years ago Member's comment

I would like to see Biden's comments. Is there a link to view them?

Jim Boswell 4 years ago Author's comment

Hi, Ayelet--I dug it up and am attaching the youtube video of it.  

It is an hour plus, but i recommend that you go to minute 47 then start there and watch the rest to the end.  From there you will see what i was talking about with Biden.

Here is that link:

 Biden introduces nominees for labor, commerce secretaries - YouTube


Ayelet Wolf 4 years ago Member's comment

There is no actual url listed. Can you try again?

Jim Boswell 4 years ago Author's comment

I am so sorry, Ayelet. I have been making some pretty stupid computer mistakes of late--chalking it up to just getting older. Try this link out, it should take you there:


Ayelet Wolf 4 years ago Member's comment

LOL, that's a gmail URL and I don't have access to your email account. You need to copy and paste the URL that you see on YouTube :)

Jim Boswell 4 years ago Author's comment

LOL. LOL on me twice. Maybe this third time will be a charm. I have already watched the video four times myself and it only get better with each observation. Now let's try this link.


This time i even went back to check to see if it was the same one as the one i have been watching.

ps. TalkMarkets published an article of mine yesterday that i truly believe is the best article of my career. I am sure you could find it if you googled it.

Ayelet Wolf 4 years ago Member's comment

Hurray, you did it! Thanks for the link!

Jim Boswell 4 years ago Author's comment

i sent you something earlier that again i think failed. So here is my best solution.

have been having difficulty pasting the link to my blog, so if you want to see it, i recommend that you do this:  go to youtube and type in the following search "Biden question and answer commerce labor"  I watched the CBSN version which i think will probably be the first option you get.  I recommend you go directly to the 46 or 47 minute part of the video, which is the beginning of the question answer period, after the earlier time spent introducing labor and commerce.