Jim Boswell Blog | The Difference Between Globanomic, Finance, and Economics | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

The Difference Between Globanomic, Finance, and Economics

Date: Friday, October 23, 2020 6:28 AM EDT

I did not watch the debate last night, but i hope it was favorable for the implementation of Globanomics.

For those interested, I have been going back over my earlier articles for Talkmarkets just to remind myself of what is available from my writings.  This current blog is just a copy of an article that Talkmarkets published earlier.  I think it is an important article, however, and i think it belongs also on my blog.  So in other words, this article is nothing new, unless you have not been reading Talkmarkets. 


The Difference Between Globanomics, Finance, and Economics

Recently a friend asked me to explain the difference between Finance, Economics, and my new discipline, Globanomics. 

Here is my response:

"It might help you to look at each of the three disciplines as interrelated and interdependent blocks in a pyramid. To keep the pyramid strong all three blocks and their adjuncts need to operate fully and transparently. The Globanomics-block mediates the other two blocks of finance and economics. As such, Globanomics is the eye of the pyramid (like the symbol of the eye in the pyramid on the one-dollar bill note) that equilibrates the other blocks for fairness and optimum efficiency. Whereas finance and economics serve globanomics, globanomics cannot exist in its ultimate form without good finance and good economics.

“I equate finance with business, and economics with economists. Financiers tend to talk in terms of NPV, IRR, cash flows, amortization, net income, discount rates, assets, liabilities, equity, etc. Economists, on the other hand, tend to talk in terms of inflation, GNP, unemployment rates, interest rates (long and short), econometric models, Keynesian versus Austrian theory, etc.

“And regardless of how much time I spend learning and trying to decipher the two different languages, based upon my own experience, I have come to view people involved in the science of finance and business as having typically a more Optimistic perspective than do those involved in what some have called the dismal science of economics. And for that reason, I consider the finance and business-block to be senior to economics and economists-block on the pyramid.

When my friend asked me how I felt Globanomics differed from Economics, here is what I said:

“Those who listen to the "Economists" see the United States as one of many countries struggling (or fighting) for the same piece of pie. Those who listen to the "Globanominalists" see the United States as the leading country in a host of countries that are creating a bigger pie.”

When my friend asked how Globanomics and Finance differed, I said:

“Finance is primarily a “mathematical” science, whereas Globanomics is predominantly a “moral or ethical” science with a strong “mathematical” foundation. Although the inward analysis of Globanomics can be viewed as being “mathematical” in concept, the outward analysis of Globanomics is more “philosophical” in nature. And it is this outward nature of Globanomics that makes it senior to the finance-block or the economic block.  This is why I call Globanomics the “Eye” of the Pyramid.

“Globanomics reaffirms (possibly expands) upon the founding principles of the founding fathers of the United States in that Globanomics claims that “All Human Beings are Created Equal and thus are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which include Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. 

“Globanomics’ fully integrated philosophical and scientific discipline is based on global rather than nationalistic perspectives. At the same time, the foundation of Globanomics is based upon a clearly defined, commonly accepted, core set of world principals, the building blocks that shape the discipline come from the latest concepts and theories from the science of economics. 

Among the economic building blocks that shape Globanomics are:

  • Global Pareto Optimums;
    Friendly Competition;
  • Perfect Competition over Monopolistic Control;
    -- Investment Strategy Over
    – Debt Strategy Over
    – Rape/Pillage Strategy;
  • Increasing Gross Global Product per Capita Through Productivity Enhancements
    While Narrowing Gap Between Highs and Lows;
  • Rewarding Positive Creativity; and
  • A Single Monetary Unit of Currency.

“The core philosophical foundation of Globanomics is based upon the following principles:

  • Do No Harm;
  • The Ethic of Reciprocity;
  • All Human Beings Are Created Equal;
  • Freedom Is Preferable over Subjugation;
  • An Individual’s Right to Pursue Happiness; and
  • The Protection and Wise Use of Global Resources.

“Military war between national entities does not fit within the framework of Globanomics. Instead, Globanomic Wars are fought on the following fronts:

  • War on Hunger;
  • War on Poverty;
  • War on Disease Control;
  • War on Prejudicial Hatred; and
  • War on the Misuse of Global Resources.”

And that is how I explained the difference between finance, economics, and globanomics to my friend. 

In my next article for Talkmarkets, I will describe the methodology, measuring standards and sources used in my own personal macro-globanomic model, which by the way, shows the United States of America still doing quite well despite our new leader’s failure to build off of our predecessors’ history of achievement.  


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