I just saw a "blip" than el trumpo wants Taiwan to pay for the defense the United States provides them.
Well, that should be music to China's ears. Ukraine to Russia. Taiwan to China.
The el trumpo reason: Because they cannot pay for the defense against a nation that is much superior from a power position.
Do you know what Taiwan's defense is? It's U.S. fast attack nuclear submarines. It would take probably about "ten U.S.-type fast attack submarines" to defend Taiwan. And it just so happens (i just looked it up), the U.S. has 53 fast attack submarines.
So the question i have is this. If we can so easily defend Taiwan from an aggressive China, then should we just let China take over Taiwan because they did not pay for any of our 53 nuclear attack submarines?
That's just one of the problems with "el trumpism". It gives up on friends and allies in need, simply because they cannot afford to defend themselves by themselves.
Under "el trumpism" only the "big boys" deserve to run the world. And here is the list of big boys: Russia, China, and the United States (in that order under el trumpism)
If we keep alienating our allies, what happens when the day comes when we need their help?