Jim Boswell Blog | Saturday Afternoon--This is About Mozart and Yeol, But | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Saturday Afternoon--This is About Mozart and Yeol, But

Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024 1:55 PM EDT

Before i get to the point that i want to address this afternoon, i would like to mention that my Saturday afternoon "watering spot" has closed (and for good, eternity).  I went there today thinking i would have a few pints and look out onto the lake scenery and let my mind just wonder.  But the closing that i thought was coming in November came right after Labor Day.  Go figure.


I just about shit!  Now what am i going to do, i wondered.  Then i remembered that they just opened up a "new brewery" place in the little town of Littleton, NC which is about five or six miles away (driving the backroads of northern North Carolina, which simply continuously seem to wind around one group of pine trees and another group of pine trees).

So I headed there.

What i found i liked very much.  I made some human contact with the working people and i started out sampling the "new brewery options".  I found one that really met my taste and i became quite impressed with this new local establishment.

The thing is the atmosphere is not one like that of the Pointe.  Actually, my best visual offering was the Texas/Michigan football game, which i have a mild interest in because i am a diehard Big Ten fan, but in all honesty, it is kind of hard for me to watch sports games in their full length anymore, so essentially what i am saying i am not writing this after spending "an hour of thoughtful thinking", but just the opposite.  I have been "brewering" it.

Now having said the above, i want to talk about why Mozart and Yeol Eun Son are especially important to me.


Some of you know that the last goal in my life is to start "globanomics" programs at both Indiana University and the University of Pennsylvania.  One associated with the Public Administration School and the other associated with the Business Administration School.

These would be designed, using the Rickover concept for education.  Exceptional, hard, but doable.  A Masters degree would be earned in "one-year". 

There will be "core courses" that both programs would be required to take (with maybe different level of emphasis on certain subjects in the different schools).

I have not reviewed it lately, but i know that i laid out somewhat the design of each program in some earlier Talkmarket posts, but i just have not spent the time yet to go back and see what i said earlier.  Regardless, either way, that is not a problem.


The problem is whether anyone will ever hear of "globanomics".  It's kind of hard to establish programs in things that nobody knows about.  


Anyway, living alone with the exception of three dogs and two cats, one has plenty of time to spend it in the delusional atmosphere, which is actually quite an interesting place to be as long as you can keep telling yourself that your delusions are nothing but delusions.

In my delusions i have always thought that i would probably set up a "two-day orientation" program for the "sixty students" that would constitute both first-year groups.  Sixty.  And for Indiana University and University of Pennsylvania, i think i would keep that number fixed at 60, even though other institutions could offer more students.

But in the many years that i have spent in my delusional space i have been looking for things through "youtube" that i thought that i could introduce (or at least make sure they knew) to some of what i thought were "really, really, good, thought provoking, etc.).  Over time, i thought the best thing would be a collage of majesty using nine or ten short (i.e., 4-6 minute videos) with many different styles and considerations.

But then .  . .

I saw Yeol Eun Son play Mozart's Piano Concerto #21 and ever sense i have known that "this one video comes as close to defining what i would like to see achieved in globanomics).

And as part of each program's "orientation" i would make this video a "highlighted" and "important" consideration as one begins his or her trip into globanomics.


ps.  I read over the above and said that i think i understand what i said, but even though i left after only two drinks, i will have to say that the "lager" at the new brewery is pretty good.  So I am putting this out, regardless of whether anyone else understands.

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Susan Miller 4 weeks ago Member's comment

It's nice when a negative turns into a positive like that.