Jim Boswell Blog | Poverty of Spirit | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Poverty of Spirit

Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 5:33 AM EDT

I assume that sometime in your life you have come across the phrase "poverty of spirit".  If you have not given any consideration for what it means, then i think it would be worthwhile for you to do so sometime in your life.  As Meister Eckhart said poverty of spirit is" "to want nothing, to know nothing, and to have nothing".  The first words we hear Jesus speak in the Bible, is his beatitude on poverty of spirit.  I sometimes compare "poverty of spirit" with "detachment".  Any way it is important for an individual to learn to love with a poverty of spirit, meaning looking for no return on that love investment.

Now the last thing i would ever want someone to think of me as a hypocrite on this point  (i.e., wanting something for my own benefit).

For the last few days i feel that i might have been a bit pushy on my pushing for a Biden endorsement from the Wall Street Journal.  I have given that "pushing" consideration in terms of "poverty of spirit", and i feel okay with myself.

It is important that the Wall Street Journal endorse Biden this week.  Newspapers can be replaced.  Any newspaper that will not stand up for the good of our nation, especially in very important times, is not a paper i would want to continue to support.

Globanomics clearly explains Business' place in the scheme of things--and it is an important role.  And the business players in globanomics who play the most important rolls are going to have more say on how to dispense the news.  I like the Wall Street Journal.  I respect it as a newspaper and generally its opinion page, but that could change quickly.  BTW, I consider myself a business person--not of the ilk of the Gates and Bezos mode, but i am a very big proponent of Business.

Now i will give you a couple of good reasons why i am "pushing" so hard.

1.  We need a landslide; otherwise Trumpisim will hang around longer than it should.  Real republicans do not believe in Trumpism.

2. It would be easier to introduce Globanomics without having to address Trumpism.

3. It is time for the Business Community to acknowledge and accept that the Nation is more important than any and all of their Business., which will mean paying their fair share of taxes for what the Nation has given them (e.g., (its soldiers, its freedom, its negotiating capability).  

I would be curious if anyone else understands this.

ps.  Yesterday i mentioned a few of the current biggest business players.  Here is another one: Rex Tillerson

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