Jim Boswell Blog | On Surrendering to "What Is" -- Krishnamurti | TalkMarkets
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On Surrendering to "What Is" -- Krishnamurti

Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 6:54 AM EST

Krishnamurti was asked the following question: "What is the difference between surrendering to the will of God and what you are saying about the acceptance of what is?"

Here is how Krishnamurti answered that question.


Surely there is a vast difference, is there not?  Surrendering to the will of God implies that you already know the will of God.  You are not surrendering to something you do not know.  If you know Reality, you cannot surrender to It; you cease to exist; there is no surrendering to a higher will.

If you are surrendering to a higher will, then that higher will is the projection of yourself, for the Real cannot be known through the known.  It comes into being only when the known ceases to be.  The known is a creation of the mind, because thought is the result of the known, of the past, and thought can only create what it knows; therefore, what it knows is not the eternal.

That is why, when you surrender to the will of God, you are surrendering to your own projections; it may be gratifying, comforting but it is not the real.


To understand what "is" demands a different process--perhaps the word "process" is not right but what i mean is this: to understand what "is" is much more difficult, it requires greater intelligence, greater awareness, than merely to accept or give yourself over to an idea. 

To understand what "is" does not demand effort; effort is a distraction.  To understand something, to understand what "is" you cannot be distracted, can you?  If i want to understand what you are saying i cannot listen to music (like i am at the moment), to the noise of people outside, i must give my whole attention to it.

Thus, it is extraordinarily difficult and arduous to be aware of what "is", because our very thinking has become a distraction (just think of those TikTok brains).

We do not want to understand what "is".  We look at what "is" through the spectacles of prejudice, of condemnation or of identification, and it is very arduous to remove these spectacles and to look at what "is".  

Surely what "is" is a fact, is the truth, and all else is an escape, is not the truth.  To understand what "is", the conflict of duality must cease, because the negative response of becoming something other than what "is" is the denial of the understanding of what "is".

If i want to understand arrogance i must not go into the opposite, i must not be distracted by the effort of becoming or even by the effort of trying to understand what "is".  If i am arrogant, what happens?  If i do not name arrogance, it ceases, which means that in the problem itself is the answer and not away from it.


It is not a question of accepting what "is"; you do not accept what "is", you do not accept that you are brown or white, because it is a fact; only when you are trying to become something else do you have to accept.

The moment you recognize a fact, it ceases to have any significance; but a mind that is trained to think of the past or of the future, trained to run away in multifarious directions, such a mind is incapable of understanding what "is".

Without understanding what "is" you cannot find what is Real and without that understanding life has no significance, life is a constant battle where pain and suffering continue.  The Real can only be understood by understanding what "is".  It cannot be understood if there is any condemnation or identification.

The mind that is always condemning or identifying cannot understand; it can only understand that within which it is caught.  The understanding of what "is", being aware of what "is", reveals extraordinary depths, in which is Reality, Happiness, and Joy.


ps. Tomorrow will only represent the "halfway point" in this series that i am creating.  Personally, i think it is starting to come together pretty well.  I know, however, that its best use will be when it is all done and i can then go back and start reading it over and over again--knowing that each new reading will bring even more and more exciting discoveries.

ps2.  I seem to be holding strong with an a Talkmarkets audience of about "twenty".  Now, i know that i might be getting "twenty random views" every day, but for some mathematical reason, i just cannot let me think in those terms.  Anyway, thank all of you twenty (probably a little less) that are hanging in there as we go through these items.

ps3.  One should realize that there are surely items or questions that could be asked outside of the 38 that were asked, but 38 questions are a lot, and at the level that Krishnamurti is talking, you can cover quite a bit of material within your 38 responses.  The trick is learning the "new vocabulary", its preciseness.  The trouble comes in that sometimes we are down the road before our understanding of the term becomes real, meaning that we missed its meaning in many of the passages that preceded that understanding--leaving the opportunity to learn more in a second reading, third, etc. on and on.  That is what good spiritual writing is and requires.

ps4.  You should also remember this is my "offense" against the new "Greed of America and Its Oligarchs, who are lapping at the feet of New Leader, Sr." and i could use some help getting a "better approach to life" out there.  Why not start passing some of these messages on.

ps5.  Give me a wink or comment if you understand and agree with all the above, including Krishnamurti's comments today.


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Terrence Howard 1 month ago Member's comment
I suppose this is interesting to some, but I come here for investment advice. I don't really care about Krishnamurti.
Jim Boswell 1 month ago Author's comment
No "winks" or "comments"?