Jim Boswell Blog | Now It's a Diary | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Now It's a Diary

Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 7:00 AM EST

Based upon the events of yesterday (i.e., Joe-Xi talks), i am dropping the concept of tracking "war costs".  In fact, i thought about dropping "everything" and simply let my blog go to sleep.

That's probably what i should do, but too bad for me, i am addicted.  But regardless of what i say now, i am treating it like a diary--like i am only talking to myself (because in real reality that is all i am really doing--talking to myself).  Kind of circular, isn't it?

Anyway, here is my take on the events one day later.  The "preparations" which i talked about yesterday, only really bean "yesterday".  If the truth, there was not much in the "preparations" for yesterday's meeting regarding world peace.  It's only now, with communication lines established, that the "preparations" for world peace can begin.

Assuming Biden and me seem to be on the same track, that much i get--and that puts "real" world peace off to next year, 2023.  It means the Ukraine/Russian War will be settled before next spring--and if we want to avoid a "cold winter" it should be settled very soon--like today or tomorrow.  But we will just have to wait and see.

As far as "globanomics" goes.  I have no idea where that stands, and that is part of the dilemma that i find myself in.  Do i continue on, while being the only person that i am relying on with regards to my sanity--that's a scary thought.  Row up string with that thought in mind sometime.

Anyway.  Globanomics either is or it is not.  It's really really hard at this point to think about giving it up.  I find myself thinking this holiday season will see "globanomics" introduction, but that is a fool's game, too.  I have set time limits on my effort before.  I've jumped in and out of Talkmarkets several different times i was upset and even once i was forced to--but because of my addiction to Talkmarkets and my "globanomic's fantasy" i have always jumped back in.  Just the same. I believe enough in myself that i know i can live without it--that much i know.

But as long as my mind still see a roll for "globanomics" in bringing "world peace" together, i think i will simply start making diary notes for future reference with regards to the effort that is being put forth to get to "world peace".

I am sure some may take a bit offense to how easy i seem to think it is to obtain "world peace" for the world.  And i apologize for that cavalier kind of attitude.  World peace is extremely difficult to achieve--that is why it has never been done before.  The people in the communication chain between the U.S. and China must be "outstanding thoughtful experienced" people--these are not a bunch of quacks.  They are some of the best people we have.  I love Tony Blinken--the things our state department has done these last two-years is absolutely phenomenal.  I am sure Jinping has put his best up to.

Biden can talk to Jinping.  They can talk "finance and economics" realistically together.  Jinping can come to understand just how strong the "free world's" position is.  He will come around.  If Biden can get Putin to cut a "peace deal" this winter, then again, we are on track toward the thought of "world peace" and the formulation of a World Foundation Constitutional Committee sometime later in the year 2023.

I still think "globanomics" should be used "to help" bring world peace to the world.  I think it is a way for someone to learn and to gain a "quick understanding" regarding the current state of global affairs.  Globanomics will not deter world peace, but instead, it offers a very good starting point from which to open further discussions (i.e. Constitutional Committee).  I know all of this takes time, but just the same, time is real, and so is the possibility of world peace.

What a f------ time to be living in the world--considering the history of the world.

World peace?  Who would have imagined?  Not many.

And the reason?  Because world peace was viewed to be "too hard" instead of "too easy".  And that is the way the world turns on November 15, one day after i predicted, not the end of the world, but "world peace".  

That's my "patience" talking again.  There is a real side of me, too, that fully understands that sometimes things take longer than i think they should have.  And i apologize if that puts anyone off.  I have no defense, other than to apologize for my "impatience"--it is never applied with any hurtful intent in mind.

Now with that said, i think i might start blogging at least "less frequently".  My blog is a diary for my soul now, and sometimes my days are really quite boring and there will be no reason to tell the "big guy" anything i am doing.


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Samantha Carter 2 years ago Member's comment

Writing is very therapeutic.  Keep it up!

Jim Boswell 2 years ago Author's comment

Thank you for your comment.  Yes, writing is very therapeutic.  I just have to make sure that i do not get carried away with it.  

Jim Boswell 2 years ago Author's comment

Thank you for your comment.  Yes, writing is very therapeutic.  I just have to make sure that i do not get carried away with it.