Every day there is a "new revelation" in the news that makes it seem the world is exploding at the seams. And for that reason, it is time to be blunt.
Trump must be stopped! Period!
If Trump ever gets back into office, he will quickly discover something that he didn't discover in his first term--that the U.S. has no peers. He will learn just how weak China is both economically and militarily. And he will befriend his old friend, Vladimir Putin, and the two will rule the world together, until of course Putin passes away. I am not sure who is going to be Putin's successor, but we could rest assured that Trump would have one of his off-spring follow in his footsteps.
Xi Jinping will be the odd man out in the Trump-Putin relationship. Once Trump finds out that China is as weak as it is, my guess, is that Trump would stick it to Jinping--and essentially the rest of Asia. Europe would survive alright, but they would have to pretty much fall in line with what Putin wants of them.
That is the world of Trump. Emperor of the World.
Here is another scenario. A better one i believe.
- Xi Jinping makes friends with Joe Biden. This step makes sense on every level that you want to look at it. It means world peace is at hand. It means China would continue to become a vibrant country. It means Asia, which holds 60% of the world's population would finally be recognized for its importance to the world. And this friendship should be made clear very, very soon--this month or next.
- China's friendship with the United States would change the dynamics regarding the threat of nuclear war. Although China's nuclear arsenal is hardly the threat that Russia's is, it still changes the dynamic view of nuclear warfare--for the better i might add. Thus making nuclear disarmament possible, if not almost necessary. Russia (with the exception of North Korea) would see that "nuclear disarmament" would even be to their benefit.
- In 1945, they had a couple of meetings--one in Yalta and the other in Potsdam. Conferences with the United States leading them. These meetings were held with people from Russia, the United States, and Great Britain. (Roosevelt/Truman, Stalin, and Churchill). I am sure that you all know about these meetings. Well, out of these meetings came the United Nations and a new map laying out ownership of the world. We need a 2024 World Conference like those held in 1945.
- These conferences should include Biden (Chairman), Jinping (Vice Chairman), and various leaders important to the world's dynamics. And out of these conferences should come: (1) a new World Federation that replaces the United Nations; (2) agreement to nuclear disarm; (3) agreement to accept current boundaries and eliminate all military action across current boundaries; (4) agreement that all old and new boundary disputes between countries will be settled by the World Court part of the New World Federation.
All off this could be accomplished in the next few months, long before the November election. I believe there are only two outs for us to rid ourselves of Trump: (1) the trial of the century which has now been delayed; and/or (2) world peace. Both could be going on at the same time these next few months with "real news" coverage. Think on that. Biden is pursuing world peace while Trump is being tried for organizing a coup on the country that is bring the world world peace.
That is my view ahead. And it can happen. It only takes two men: (1) Joe Biden; and (2) Xi Jinping.
So, let's do it!!!
It's looking more and more every day that his resturn is inevitable.