I had to make an emergency run up the DC way to Maryland today (Sunday) to ensure that i was properly prepared for a "family wedding" this weekend and my niece's visit beginning election night in preparation for the weekend wedding.
I don't know why, but after making that trip today, and returning home safely, there was like a total burden taken off my shoulders. I have known for a long time that my drug supply was going to be close. Could i hold out until the wedding? The wedding is up in the Northern Virginia area and i knew that i could make a stop in Maryland either before or after the wedding--saving me from an unnecessary trip like today's.
Oh well, i tried different things, but in the end, i made the trip to Maryland and back without incident and now i am home getting ready for this upcoming week, with the election, with my niece's visit, and then a "family wedding" this weekend.
So, now i am home. Safe and secure with all of my "daily routines" still pretty much safely intact. And oh wow, i am actually getting excited about something for a change. I don't know how long it has been when i ever felt this excited--i am sure that you would have to go back to my junior-year in college when Bobby Kennedy was running for President and Indiana was his first "primary" test.
I remember those days. And i remember what i did back then. But that is not the point that i want to make.
Every day i still do tune in to see what both "el trumpo" and "kamala" are saying. And along those lines, looking for a new source, i turned to CSPAN for some reason tonight (probably because it was the only new source that i thought i could semi trust). When i turned to their station, they were just beginning to show "JD Dumbass's" speech in Pennsylvania. Yada, yada, yada. That's what i heard. Because i have at least some basis that CSPAN would be "fair" in their presentation of the "2024 Election", i assumed that they had either shown Tim Walz or Kamala Harris speak before, or if not, i assumed they would shortly afterwards.
So, i switched back and for the between JD Dumbass and the Lions-Packer football game, waiting to see who CSPAN was going to bring on after JD Dumbass.
Well, guess what? The next person CSPAN showed (Sunday night at 6:00) was Kamala Harris.
Now as much as i would like to claim that i had the insight to see that Kamala was the "real deal" and "absolutely perfect for our nation's needs today", i cannot say that i had that insight. Maybe a hint of it, but Kamala, if she remains true to her words, will lead as well or better than even Thomas Jefferson.
Kamala has proven to be much more than even my insight.
And i cannot tell you how "happy" that makes me feel!
It's nice to let other people worry for you!
I think Kamala will be good for the United States as the World creates a new World Federation with an associated "world government".
The United States and its alligned countries (i.e., UK, Canada, Mexico, Australia, etc.) are in relatively good shape, but by all means, things could be done better, more efficiently, effectively, etc.
As long as primary needs are not being met: (e.g., food, water, housing, health, sanitation, safety) there is always work for a government to make things better.
Let the government take care of people's primary needs, after that, just let them be free. And that holds all around the world.