Jim Boswell Blog | I Am Not Watching the Debate | TalkMarkets
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Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

I Am Not Watching the Debate

Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 5:14 AM EDT

I am not going to watch the debate.  It occurs after my bedtime.  I probably wouldn't have watched anyway because i get too nervous watching things like that.  I'll tape it, of course, then depending upon the following morning's review, i will either watch it or delete the recording.  That's just the way i operate.


Just the same, going into the debate, i think it is going to be a "slam dunk" for Biden over "el trumpo".  I don't think the debate will even be close.  One man knows the facts, the other man doesn't know "jack shit".  Personally, i think that gives an advantage to the person in the know--at least with the more intelligent group of voters.

This debate is going to be one of "truth vs. lies".  The question will be, however, whether the American people can distinguish between the two, especially when their Fox Nation is on the side of lies.  

If i was reading the tea-leaves going into the debate, i would say it is a toss-up, but i don't believe the tea leaves--Biden is going to win the debate by a large margin.  And here is the reason why.


President Biden has proven himself to be an outstanding President of the United States of America.  President Biden, today, probably understands the world's dynamics better than any other person in the world.  President Biden saved the United States of America and he knows it.  President Biden knows that he is the only one that can stop "el trumpism" from destroying America--and he won't let the public down.

President Biden has the unfortunate (satire) situation where he is operating a United States at its full capacity, at the strongest period in its entire history with markets at record highs and unemployment at record lows and with inflation coming down.

President Biden has seen the passage of significant legislation even while the two-party system was crumbling at the seams.

President Biden has cornered Russia and China, leaving them with no other escape route than "world peace".

President Biden, at his age, is smarter and wiser than most of his earlier counterparts.  Age, as much of a disadvantage it may be, is not a disadvantage if one still has one's mind intact.  Instead, it offers one more experience when it comes to "decision making".  For example, i am smarter today at 77, than i was at 57, 37, or 17.  I am not sure that holds for everyone, but for people like President Biden and me, it does.  For Fox Nation it might work in the reverse.


I am not going out on a limb here either.  And i would be willing to take on all bets from the "el trumpo" side and Fox Nation, except for the fact that i don't think they would pay up.

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