Jim Boswell Blog | Globanomics Is a Book for the Holidays | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Globanomics Is a Book for the Holidays

Date: Monday, November 29, 2021 6:22 AM EDT

Excuse me before i get to the subject of this post.  Due to previous comments i have received from some of my Talkmarkets' followers, i plan to start this and any future post with a little bookkeeping.  Now here is that bookkeeping:  If you would like to purchase a copy of my new book, Globanomics, click on "Globonomics" up by my picture on this post where it says "Contributor Links".  

Now to the subject at hand--Globanomics is a Book for the Holidays

When i first began to write Globanomics, i had absolutely no plan to have it written in the short timeframe that i did.  Last spring i told some of my Talkmarkets' followers that i was going to write the book, but i told them that i was going to take the summer off, begin writing it after Linda and i took our end of summer vacation to Florida  (i.e., late September, early October), with the intent to publish it by April 1, 2022 (next year).  I believe some of my followers knew about this plan.

Well, here is what actually happened.  I did take the summer off from writing Globanomics, while i gathered my thoughts and posted a lot of them on my Talkmarkets blog site for feedback.  By the time, it came to Linda's and my vacation, i had essentially already written globanomics--it was just in a different form with all kinds of bits and pieces.  

One early day while Linda and i were on our vacation, i put an outline together in about an hour, then i started going back and segregating my different posts into different "chapter-like" categories.  It took less than a day, but i essentially had the book as i wanted it.  Subsequent to that early effort, i added two ending chapters for the book.

Okay.  I understand that, but why write it so fast?  Why not take it easy and just stick with your earlier schedule for April 1, 2022?  What's the rush?

Well, i will tell you.  Last spring i thought we would be further along than we are today.  Last spring I thought Trumpism would be dead by now.  Although Trumpism is not the main subject of Globanomics--it is something that would kill globanomics.  And that is the reason for speed.

So, after returning from vacation, i sat down every morning for about twenty days and i wrote Globanomics.  Surprising to me then, it only took me a couple of more days to work through the Amazon self-publishing routine (it helped that i had used Amazon self-publishing before.  

Anyway, so in less than a month i had Globanomics and i published it on November 6, 2021.  Early enough for Thanksgiving, but better yet, as a gift for the people of the world for the upcoming religious holidays.

I assume 2022 will be the year that globanomics will actually start to be implemented world wide.

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Trinity Sinclair 3 years ago Member's comment

Good luck. I wrote a book once and self published it on Amazon. I was convinced it would become a best seller. I have yet to sell a single copy. There are probably some tricks, but I suspect those cost money, which I did not have.  I hope you have more success than I did.  I think it's difficult to stand out.

Jim Boswell 3 years ago Author's comment

Thanks.  Yeah, i know how hard it is to get noticed.  Globanomics is my sixth book and my royalties last month for all six of my books came to a grand total of $0.42.

Although i think all of my previous books should have been "best sellers", reality has proven that that is not really the case.  I like all of my previous books a lot, but i will have to admit that i put more of my "heart and soul" into Globanomics than anything i have previously written--although there is quite a bit of heart and soul in the other works, too.