Jim Boswell Blog | Democracy, Monarchy, or Dictatorship--It's Your Choice | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
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Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Democracy, Monarchy, or Dictatorship--It's Your Choice

Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 5:08 AM EDT

The 2024 election as of right now looks like the American people get to choose whether they want to replace our "democracy" with a "monarchy" or "dictatorship".  

Those who vote for Joe Biden will want "democracy".  Biden probably is the best representative for how democracy is supposed to work--passing important legislation through compromises between the left and right.

Most of those who vote for "El Trumpo" want him as King--King Donald.  The others who vote for "El Trumpo" want him as dictator (without the benefits)--Chairman Trump.  The King and/or Chairman gets to make all the decisions on his own, which makes sense to some people who think King Donald or Chairman Trump knows better than the populace.

Even sadder still, there are some Americans that want to turn "El Trumpo" into the "Second Coming".

The funny thing about all of this is the fact that "El Trumpo's" support comes mostly from a white male working class, who supposedly were educated in American civics, which explains the benefits of a democracy over a monarchy and/or dictatorship (benevolent or not).  So, this means that either this cult group is: (1) stupid and did not understand what they were taught in civics; or (2) Tories in support of their King or Chairman.


But Jim, we didn't lose our "democracy" in "El Trumpo's first term" what makes you think we would lose it with a "second term"?

Answer:  I saw where we ended up after "El Trumpo's first term", and it was easy to see what a second term would look like--and it would not have looked like any democracy that i have ever known. 


What do you do when people want to trash "democracy".  You start, by standing strong.  Then you pile it on showing how much better the United States is than any monarchy or dictatorship in the world--with all kinds of evidence showing that to be the case.  Explain how "freedom" and "democracy" are our secret weapons--secret weapons that "El Trumpo" does not know how to manage.


My advice:  Stop this before we are forced to make the choice.  "El Trumpo" should be in federal prison--not the Oval Office of the United States of America.


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Dan Richards 1 year ago Member's comment

There are some of us who don't want Biden, but don't want Trump either.  You can be in the GOP and still support democracy.

Jim Boswell 1 year ago Author's comment

Not if you vote for "El Trumpo".  You cannot say you support democracy and say you support Trump at the same time--that is what they call a dichotomy. 

ps. what is that you don't like about Biden.  Is it his stance fthor "freedom" against the like of Putin and Jinping?  Or is it that he is bringing the semi-conductor industry back to the US?  Or is it because you don't think our "infrasture" needs work?  Or is it because Biden believes a woman should have free choice about her own body?  Or is it because you think he is just too old to accomplish all off those things?  What is it?

Dan Richards 1 year ago Member's comment

Biden... where to start?  He's too old and at times seems like he's senile.  He's let immigration run rampant, has let crime take over our cities to the point where almost no one gets arrested any more.  And if they do, they don't have to make bail, they just go home and ignore the court summons.  And our enemies are not afraid of him. That's just off the top of my head.  I do think he won fair and square, but most people who voted for Biden were actually not voting for him, but against Trump,